Report Description
Details of Employee SUI Wage
Parameter Name |
Options |
Description |
Supplier | All available Supplier List | |
Date Type | Accounting Period Date and Check Date | |
Start Date | Use this filter to refine Payment Check for the Check Date or Accounting Period Date between the Date Range having SUI tax | |
End | ||
State Code | All available State List of US | |
Show SOC | Yes, No |
Yes: SOC code is displayed after State and the system groups the amounts by the SOC code in the report. No: SOC does not get displayed nor does the system break down the amounts by SOC. |
Report Fields
Field Name |
Description |
Notes |
StateCode | Employee's Payment Check Tax State Code for SUI Tax | |
SOC | Standard Occupational Classification code | Displayed if "Show SOC" is set to Yes. |
SSN | Employee's SSN | |
BoldTalentID | Employee's ID from Front Office/Bold | |
FullName | Employee's Full Name | |
LastName | Employee's Last Name | |
FirstName | Employee's First Name | |
MiddleName | Employee's Middle Name | |
MiddleInitial | Employee's Middle Initial | |
GrossWages | Employee's Payment Check Gross Wages for the date range selected | |
TaxableWages | Employee's Payment Check Taxable Wages for the date range selected for SUI Tax | |
SubjectWages | Employee's Payment Check Subject Wages for the date range selected for SUI Tax | |
ExcessWages | Employee's Payment Check Excess Wages for the date range selected for SUI Tax | Excess Wages is calculated as Subject Wages - Taxable Wages |
Hours | Employee's Payment Check Pay Total Hours for the date range selected for SUI Tax |
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