Report Description
This Report (Advanced Query) gives the details of ACA deductions and eligibility for Employee. The user can view the report at the Employee level.
Parameter Name | Options | Description |
Branch (Transaction) |
All available branches |
Start Week Worked |
End Week Worked |
HealthCare Code* | All options from 'Is Healthcare' being checked on Transaction Type | If a Transaction Type has the checkbox checked ON for 'Is HealthCare'; it will display |
Show Summary | True / False |
* 'Is Healthcare' checkbox
Field Name | Description |
EmployeeID |
Employee ID from Employee |
BoldTalentID |
Employee's ID in AvionteBOLD |
FirstName | Employee's First Name |
MiddleName | Employee's Middle Name |
LastName | Employee's Last Name |
SSN | Employee's Social Security Number |
EmployeeStatus |
Employee's Status |
EmployeeBranch | Employee's Branch |
BirthDate | Employee’s Date of Birth |
MaritalStatus | Employee's marital status (Single, Married) |
OriginalHireDate | First Assignment Start Date for Employee |
RecentHireDate | Latest Assignment Start Date for Employee |
FirstCheckDate | First paycheck Check Date for Employee |
RecentCheckDate | Latest paycheck Check Date for Employee |
EffectiveInsuranceDate | Employee’s Effective Insurance Date (If any) |
AssignmentMaxEndDate | |
Street1 | Street 1 from Employee’s Primary Address |
Street2 | Street 2 from Employee’s Primary Address |
City | City from Employee’s Primary Address |
State | State from Employee’s Primary Address |
Zipcode | Zip code from Employee’s Primary Address |
Country | Country from Employee’s Primary Address |
Gender | Employee's Gender |
PrimaryContactMethod | Employee’s Primary Contact Method (For e.g., Phone, Fax, Email etc.) |
EmployeeCellPhone |
Employee’s Cell Phone number |
EmployeeEmail |
Employee’s Email |
TotalWages |
Total Wages from the Employee’s PayCheck in date range |
TotalHours |
Total Hours from the Employee’s PayCheck in date range. Salary Hours is included by Multiplying it with Hourly equivalent Multiplier based on the Pay Period. |
DeductionAmount | Employee’s Deduction Amount |
BenefitAmount | Employee’s Benefit Amount |
IsACAEligible | Display if employee is aca eligible or not? |
CurrentStabilityPeriodEndDate | End date of Current Stability Period |
MeasurementStartDate | Start Date of the employee’s ACA Measurement |
MeasurementEndDate | End Date of the employee’s ACA Measurement |
MeasuredType | Employee Measurement Type (Initial or Standard) |
MeasurementTotalHours | Employee’s ACA Measured Hours |
MeasuredEligibility | Show whether the employee is full time or non-full time |
ReasonForDeactivation | Reason for deactivation |
OnAssignment | Shows if the employee is currently on an active assignment. |
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