Standard AQ: Future Payroll/Billing AQ

Report Description





Parameter Name



Branch (Transaction) All available Branch List Use this filter to refine branch of Transaction.
SSN   Filters results by Social Security Number.
Customer Name   Filters results by Customer Name.
Future Type Payroll, Billing, Both Use this filter to refine report by Future Types selected
Future type = Payroll, pulls the transactions having closed timeentry batch, total pay not equals to 0 and no payroll done.
Future type = Billing, pulls the transactions having closed timeentry batch, total pay not equals to 0 and no Billing done.
Future type = Both, pulls the transactions that meets any one of condition of Future type, payroll or billing.



Report Fields

Field Name


StaffingSupplierDesc Full Name of Supplier.
TransactionBranch Name of Transaction branch.
AccountingPeriodDate Accounting period date of Transaction.
WeekWorked Week worked date of Transaction.
TimeEntryBatchID Time entry batch Id of Transaction.
TransactionID Transaction ID of particular Transaction.
CustomerID Customer ID from Transaction.
BillToName Customer Name from Transaction
DepartmentName Department Name from Transaction.
EmployeeID Employee ID
SSN Social Security Number for employee.
EmployeeName Employee Name
IsW2 Indicates whether the employee is a W2 employee or not.
1 indicates W2 employee, 0 indicates non-W2 employee (subagency or 1099).
StaffingOrderID Order ID
AssignmentID Assignment ID
AssignmentStartDate Start date of assignment.
AssignmentEndDate End date of assignment.
CheckAccountingPeriodDate Accounting period date for paycheck.
CheckDate Check date
CheckNumber Check number
CheckBranch Branch name for paycheck.
IsDirectDeposit Indicates if check is direct deposit or not.
InvoiceAccountingPeriodDate Accounting period date for invoice.
InvoiceDate Invoice date
InvoiceNumber Invoice number
InvoiceBranch Branch name for invoice.
PayCode Paycode(Transaction type) name of particular transaction.
PayUnit Pay Unit from Transaction.
PayRate Pay Rate from Transaction.
ItemPay Item Pay from Transaction.
BillUnit Bill Unit from Transaction.
BillRate Bill Rate from Transaction.
ItemBill Item Bill from Transaction.
CostUnit Cost Unit from Transaction.
CostRate Cost Rate from Transaction.
ItemCost Item Cost from Transaction.
AgencyName Agency Name
EmployerContribution Employer contribution from transaction.
RTPay Total pay from transaction for 'REG' pay code.
OTPay Total pay from transaction for 'OT' pay code.
DTPay Total pay from transaction for 'DT' pay code.
RTBill Total bill from transaction for 'REG' pay code.
OTBill Total bill from transaction for 'OT' pay code.
DTBill Total bill from transaction for 'DT' pay code.
OrderType Order Type from the Transaction.
WcCode Workers Compensation code for specific worker.
WcCodeRate Rate associated with WcCode.
JobPosition Job position from transaction.
PONumber Purchase Order number from transaction.


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