Customer Portal Property - Web_Time_Entry_Customer_Approve_To_Vendor_Begin


Updated 07/28/2021


The Web_Time_Entry_Customer_Approve_To_Vendor_Begin portal property sets the greeting of the email sent to the Vendor that the time card has been approved. This field is in an HTML code format. This portal property makes use of dynamic fields that auto-populate with the Customer's name, the approved date, the assignment info, the employee's name, assignment ID, the employee's start date, the employee's id, the order ID, the end date, the customer, the department and parent department.
Note: This also includes the HTML code to move to the next line (<br/>).




Property location:  Avionté Admin > Portal Property > Customer Portal drop-down menu. 
Default: Dear agency,<br />Customer <CustomerName> approved following time card.<br />Approved Date: <ApproveTime><br /><br />Assignement Info:<br /><table><tr> <td>EMPLOYEE:</td>  <td><EmployeeName></td><td>Assignment ID:</td><td><AssignmentID></td><td>Start Date:</td><td><StartDate></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>EMPLOYEE ID:</td>  <td><EmployeeID></td><td>Order ID:</td><td><StaffingOrderID></td><td>End Date:</td><td><EndDate></td></tr><tr><td>Customer:</td><td><CustomerName></td><td>Department:</td>  <td><DepartmentName></td><td>Parent Dep.:</td><td><ParentDepartment></td></tr></table><br /><br />
Valid values: Alphanumeric values in HTML code format. 
Where the setting is reflected... The greeting/beginning of the email that is sent to the Vendor stating that the time card has been approved. 





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