Updated 06/22/2021
The Summary item of the Unemployment section displays the current data for the unemployment entry, and allows options for editing and viewing different aspects of the entry. The page is categorized into groups - Unemployment Info, Charges, Shortcut, Status, and Option.

Unemployment Info
Claim Number | The identification number associated to the unemployment claim. |
Name | Employee's full name. |
Last Assignment | The assignment the employee was on before filing for unemployment. |
Last Pay Rate | Employee's rate of pay before filing for unemployment. |
Weeks Worked | Number of weeks the employee worked. |
Total Hours Worked | The sum of all hours worked by the employee. |
Avg Pay Per Week | Employee's average amount of weekly pay. |
Total Earnings | The sum of all the earnings the employee earned. |
Date of Hire | The date the employee was hired. |
Max Benefit | The total benefit the employee can receive from unemployment. |
Weekly Benefit | The amount the employee will receive each week from unemployment. |
Potential Charges | Charges that can apply to the employee's unemployment. |
Note: The Shortcuts group can be customized by right-clicking on the group and selecting the option you want displayed from the pop-up menu.
Edit Unemployment | Navigates to Unemployment > Detail page where editing is enabled. |
See Employee | Navigates to the Employee > Summary page for information about the selected employee. |
Auto-Match | Generates an Auto Match window that enables a method of Advanced Search. |
Log Message | Navigates to the Unemployment > Message page where a user may create and send a note about the unemployment entry. |
Refresh | Updates the page with any new information about the unemployment entry. |
Status | Indicates if activity is currently taking place on the claim - open or closed. |
Determination Status | The status of an unemployment claim while it is being considered - Appeal Pending, Appeal Lost, Employee Working, Appeal Won, Benefits Expired, Determination - Unfavorable, Fav. Determined, Hearing Set, Protest Waived, and Unfav. Determined. |
Reason Status | The reason for the determination status - Company Appeal, Disallowed Claim, Employee Appeal, Final Loss, First Notice, Ineligible, and Pending. |
Next Step | Subsequent actions that will be taken in the appeal process. |
Status - Check Boxes
Terminated by Employer | Select if the employee was terminated by their employer from their previous job. |
Separation Info Needed | Select if details on the employee's separation from their last employer are needed. |
Claim Not Chargeable | Select if the Unemployment claim is chargeable to the employee's previous employer. |
Protestable | Select if the unemployment can be protested by an employee's old employer. |
Appeal Pending | Select if an appeal has been filed. |
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