Updated 06/24/2021
Version 1.0 Deprecation
In an effort to standardize Record of Employment (ROE) filing, Service Canada will not accept Version 1.0 Web file formats after August 31, 2016.
Avionté offers an ROE Version 2.0 XML feed.
Visit https://support.avionte.com/hc/en-us/articles/218653797 for setup details.
The Weekly Process section enables Canadian users to generate Record of Employment (ROE) XML feed more easily so that companies can submit the XML feed to the Canadian Revenue Agency upon request. Users can also generate the ROE XML feed for single and multiple employees based on requirements.
Generating the ROE Feed for a Single Employee
- From the Main Menu, navigate to Back Office > Weekly Process.
- Click the Export/Import vertical tab found on the right side of the main window.
- From the Select Feed drop-down, choose GenerateROEFeed.
- For the Display Name parameter Employeeid, enter the employee's ID (required).
- In the Choose Location field, use the Browse button to identify the location where the ROE XML file is to be generated.
- Click Process File to generate the ROE XML feed. If any errors were encountered while processing, a message will indicate this. See the Export/Import Error tab to review the tickets. Make the necessary corrections and try again.
- Upon successful processing, verify the file was generated by going to the location you specified in the steps above.
Generating the ROE Feed for Multiple Employees
- From the Main Menu, navigate to Back Office > Weekly Process
- Click the Export/Import vertical tab found on the right side of the main window.
- From the Select Feed drop-down, choose GenerateROEFeedBulk.
- Click Select Employees to select multiple employees. The Select Employees window appears.
- Use the Search Type and Search Criteria fields to find and select employees. To process the selected employees, ensure that the checkbox is checked for each. You can also deselect employees if you decide not to process an employee.
- In the Choose Location field, use the Browse button to identify the location where the ROE XML file is to be generated.
- Click Process File to generate the ROE XML feed.
- To verify the file was generated, go to the location you specified in the steps above.
View and Correct Errors
If any errors are encountered while generating the ROE XML feed, they can be viewed by clicking the Export/Import Error vertical tab found on the right side of the window. After reviewing the errors, make the necessary adjustments to correct the errors, then generate the feed again.
View and Update ROE Information for an Employee
Information related to Record of Employment can be entered in the employee's Extra section. These are set up in Admin Tools Config Choice section (described in the section below).
Field | Description |
ROE Comment | Enter any additional comments regarding the employee's Record of Employee. |
ROE Last Generate Date | Sets the date of the last time the ROE was generated for the employee. Enter the date in the format DDMMYYYY. |
ROE Reason for Issuing | Select the reason the ROE was issued for the employee.
ROE Recall Code | Enter the code for the recall.
ROE Recall Date | Enter the recall date in the format DDMMYYYY. This is the date the employee is called back to work after a layoff. |
Configuring ROE Feeds
Admin Tools: Config Choice setup
- From the Start Page,navigate to Actions > Admin Tools
- With the System Category selected, choose the Config Choice option. The Config Choice window appears.
- In the Detail tab of Config Choice, enter ROE in the Choice code column's filter field (with the "contains" option selected as shown below). The following choice codes display:
Field Description ROE Last Generated Date The last date the ROE was generated for the employee. ROE Reason for Issuing The reason that was entered for issuing the Record of Employment. ROE Comment Comments regarding the employee's Record of Employment. ROE Recall Code The value that indicates the code of the recall. ROE Recall Date Date of the recall.
- For all choice codes, select the branch(es) to which you are making the choice codes available and then click Save.
Admin Tools: Employer settings
- In Admin Tools, choose the Employer category and double-click the employer name in the list to the right. The employer's window appears as shown below.
- In the ROE_Account_Number property, found in the lower-right portion of the window, enter the Canada Revenue Agency Business Number. This is a 15-character number for each Federal ID in Canada. This is a required field.
- Click Save.
Admin Tools: Employer branch settings
- From the Start Page, navigate to Actions > Admin Tools
- Choose the Employer category and double-click the employer name in the list to the right.
- Click the Branch tab.
- Click the Add/Edit button. The Supplier Site window appears.
- Choose the branch to work with in the list in the upper portion of the window.
- In the ROE_Contact_Person property, found in the lower-right portion of the window, enter the name of the person that is to be the contact for ROE. In the Value field, enter their first name, a space, then last name.
- Click Save. Repeat this for each branch as necessary.
Admin Tools: Reports
Two queries need to be set up in the Advance Query tab of the Admin Tools Report section.
- From the Start Page, navigate to Actions > Admin Tools
- With the System Category selected, choose the Report option. The Admin System Server Report window appears.
- Click the Advance Query tab.
- In the QueryName filter, enter ROE to display those queries that relate to ROE. The GenerateROEFeed and GenerateROEFeedBulk queries appear.
- For each query, perform the following:
- Check the Require Parameter checkbox.
- Check the Data Feed checkbox.
- Verify that Weekly Process is checked.
- In the Advance Query Users group box, grant access to those users or groups that will be generating ROE feeds in Avionté.
- Check the Require Parameter checkbox.
- Click Save as you complete the setup for each of the queries.
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