Supplier: Detail Tab

A supplier's incidental information (name, address, logo, etc.) is managed from the Detail tab.  The Detail tab is divided into four sections - Supplier Info, Contact Method, Address, and Supplier Properties.


Supplier Info

Field Description
Short Name A short "nickname" for the supplier
Full Name The official name of the supplier. Some suppliers insert the legal name of the company. 
Parent Supplier If the supplier is a "child" of a "parent" organization, a selection of parent suppliers are available in the drop-down menu.
FEIN The supplier's Federal Employer Identification Number
Next Invoice Number The next available invoice number for billing customers
Copy Information From A feature used to quickly populate information for a new supplier, the Copy Information From field offers a selection of existing suppliers in the drop-down menu. Choose an existing supplier from the drop-down menu and those attributes will copy to the new supplier. The new supplier's attributes can still be edited.


Contact Method

Field Description
Type The type of mechanism used to contact the supplier - phone, email, etc.
Value The value according to the mechanism chosen. If "Phone" is selected as the type, the value should be a 10-digit conventional phone number.
Is Primary Place an "X" in the corresponding box of the preferred contact method. 
DoNotText Place an "X" in the corresponding box of any cell phone that should not be texted to. 



Field Description
Country The country in which the supplier is located.
Street 1 The number and street on which the supplier is located.
Street 2  If needed, additional address information can be added here - Suite #, Dock B, etc.
City The city in which the supplier is located.
State The state (or province if the country is Canada) in which the supplier is located. 
Zip Code The Zip Code (or Postal Code if the country is Canada) in which the supplier is located.


Supplier Properties

Supplier Properties (also called Employer Properties) define how supplier-related processes work in Avionté. 

Field Description
Property The name of the property. Supplier property names are CamelCased and/or frequently use underscores to separate words. This is because they are the actual property names used in Avionté databases. 
Value The value assigned to the corresponding property. After entering a value, click Save to save the entry. 
Date Entered

An auto-generated date installed when a property is entered. 

To add a supplier property, visit the Add a Supplier Property article. 


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