Report Description
This report provides employee accrual history information.
Parameter Name |
Options |
Description |
Branch (Check) |
All available branches |
Date Type |
Accounting Period Date, Check Date |
Check’s Accounting Period or Check Date. |
Start Date |
End Date |
Accrual Plan |
Config Accrual Plan Value like Vacation, Deplete plan etc. |
Show Details |
Yes/No |
If set to Yes then AQ shows all details about Employee Accrual with Check level If set to No then AQ shows summarization of employee Accrual one record per employee. |
Report Fields
Field Name |
Description |
EmployeeID |
Employee ID. |
Employee SSN. |
FirstName |
Employee First Name. |
MiddleName |
Employee Middle Name. |
LastName |
Employee Last Name. |
CheckNumber |
Check Number of payment check. This column displays only when the AQ is run with the parameter ‘Show Details’ as “Yes”. |
CheckDate |
Check date of Payment Check. |
GrossAmount |
Gross amount of Payment Check. If the parameter Show Details is “No” then shows Sum of Gross Amount of employee’s all checks satisfying the entered parameters conditions. |
NetAmount |
Net amount of Payment Check. If parameter Show Details is “No” then shows Sum of Net Amount of all employee’s checks satisfying the parameters conditions. |
AccrualPlan |
Employee Accrual Plan name set up for employee like Vacation, Deplete plan etc. |
ManualEntry |
Total units that are manually entered. (Only shown when the Show Details Parameter is selected “No") |
AccruedUnit |
Accrued Unit in the check [Accruals setup as accrual type= “Accrue”.] |
DepleteUnit |
Unit depleted in the check [Accruals setup as accrual type= “Deplete”.] |
Balance |
Accrual Balance (Formula: ManualEntry + AccruedUnit - DepleteUnit) |
Last Pay Rate |
Reg Pay rate of the latest week worked of the check. |
WeekWorked /LastWeekWorked |
Latest week worked |
BoldTalentID |
The Employee ID as shown on the front-end (BOLD). |
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