Report Description
Details how worker comp claims affect gross profit. This report is useful for determining the financial impact that a single or group of WC claims had on your company.
Parameter Name |
Options |
Explanation |
As Of Date |
Claim No. |
Filters results by Claim Number. |
Customer Name |
Filters results by Customer Name. |
Employee Name |
Filters results by Employee Name. |
Claim Status |
All, Closed, Open |
Choice codes present in WcClaim Claim Status |
Show Body |
True/ False |
When True is selected it displays the name of the Body parts associated with WcClaim |
Group By |
Branch, Customer, Wc Code, Job Title |
Branch |
All available branches |
WcClaim Branch |
Report Fields
Field Name |
Explanation |
Employee Name |
Name of Employee associated with WcClaim. |
Claim # |
Claim Number of WcClaim filed. |
Branch |
WcClaim Branch |
Customer Name |
Customer Name associated with WcClaim |
Claim Date |
Claim Entered Date of WcClaim |
Wc Code |
Worker comp code associated with WcClaim |
Claim Cost |
Cost associated with WcClaim. |
Order # |
Order ID associated with WcClaim |
Job Title |
Job Tile associated with WcClaim. |
GP Before WC Cost |
Sum of Gross profit from transactions till As of Date parameter. Depends upon the Group By Parameter. Pulls the sum of Gross Profit based upon the Group By parameter selected. |
GP After Claim Cost |
(Total Gross Profit Before Wc Cost) – (Total WcClaim Cost) Depends upon the Group By Parameter.Pulls the sum of Gross Profit left after subtracting Total cost associated with claim based upon the Group By parameter selected. |
LTD Bill Amn't |
Life time to Date Bill Amount. Depends upon the Group By Parameter.Pulls the sum of Life time to Date Bill Amount based upon the Group By parameter selected. |
Customer YTD Bill Amn't |
Year To Date Bill Amount. Depends upon the Group By Parameter. Pulls the sum of Customer YTD Bill Amount based upon the Group By parameter selected. |
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