Updated 06/22/2021
The Unemployment > Search section allows users to search and select employees that match specific search criteria and filters. Employees with associated to unemployment insurance activity are available in the list.
Perform a Search
This set of instructions advises how to perform a search. For additional search configurations, see the Field Chooser and Search Option sections.
- Select a Search Type. See the Search Type section for more information.
Note: To set this search type as the default, click Set. - Enter search criteria in the Search Criteria field.
- Press Enter on the keyboard to conduct the search.
- Double-click on an entry in the grid to navigate to the Unemployment > Summary page.
Search Type
The Search Type field defines the type of results that will appear as a result of the search criteria
Field | Description |
Employee Name | Employee's name. Must be in the format of "Last name, First name." |
SSN | Employee's social security number. |
Claim Number | The identification number associated to the unemployment claim. |
User Name | The Avionté user that added the unemployment. |
Employee ID | Identification number for the employee. |
Last Four SSN | The last four digits of an employee's Social Security Number. |
Navigate Between Recently Viewed Unemployment Entry
The Current Unemployment field displays the unemployment record that was last viewed in the Summary section. A list of all recently viewed records in the current session of the Core application are listed in the Current Unemployment drop-down menu.
Field Chooser
The Field Chooser allows users to select which columns of information display in the search grid. See the table below for descriptions of each column.
Click the field chooser icon, , in the upper-left hand corner of the window to display the Field Chooser window.
Field | Description |
Appeal Pending | Indicates if an appeal has been filed. |
Branch | The branch associated with the employee. |
Claim Date | The date the unemployment claim was made. |
Claim Not Chargeable | Indicates if the Unemployment claim is chargeable to the employee's previous employer. |
Claim Number | The identification number associated to the unemployment claim. |
Determination Status | The status of an unemployment claim while it is being considered - Appeal Pending, Appeal Lost, Employee Working, Appeal Won, Benefits Expired, Determination - Unfavorable, Fav. Determined, Hearing Set, Protest Waived, and Unfav. Determined. |
Employee ID | The Employee's identification number. |
First Name | Employee's first name. |
Last Four SSN | The last four digits of an employee's Social Security Number. |
Last Name | Employee's last name. |
Max Benefit | The maximum dollar amount available for an unemployment claim. |
Name | The employee's name in the format of "Last name, First name." |
Next Step | Subsequent actions that will be taken in the appeal process. |
On Assignment | Indicates if the employee is on assignment. |
Phone | The employee's phone number. |
Potential charges | The maximum dollar amount of changes that could be incurred by an employer for an unemployment claim. |
Protestable | Indicates if the unemployment can be protested by an employee's old employer. |
Separation Info Needed | Indicates if details on the employee's separation from their last employer are needed. |
SSN | Employee's Social Security Number |
Status | Indicates if activity is currently taking place on the claim - open or closed. |
Terminated by Former Employer | Indicates if the employee was terminated by their employer from their previous job. |
Total Benefit Charge | The total dollar amount of unemployment benefit charges paid. |
User Name | The Avionté user that added the unemployment. |
Weekly Benefit | The dollar amount of unemployment benefit charge paid per week. |
Search Option Panel
The Search Option Panel on the far-right of the screen offers additional filtering options. Options set here will override standard search parameters. The Search Option Panel has two sections of options: Only Show and Action.
The Search Option has two sections of options: Only Show and Action.
Only Show Section
The Only Show section limits returned search results to show unemployment records that have a specific status or determination status. Once a selection has been made, the search returns results that only match the selected option.
Field | Description |
By Status | Isolate results to only a specific status. |
By Determination Status | Isolates results to a specific determination status. |
Action Section
The Action section provides options to print or export the search results. Once the search results have been generated, the results can be sent to a printer as an image or exported in a Microsoft Excel file.
Field | Description |
Preview Before Printing | Checking this box prompts a preview of the page once Print Search Results have been clicked. |
Fit width to pages | Determines the width of the printed grid. |
Print Search Result | Click the button to send the search results to the computer's default printer. |
Export to Excel | Click the button to open the search results in Microsoft Excel. |
If search results are not generating as expected, check the configuration behind the Search Options tab on the right-hand side of the page. Search Options override standard search parameters.
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