Updated 06/22/2021
The Detail item of the Unemployment section is used to edit the information attached to a particular claim. The page is categorized into groups - Unemployment Info, Dates, Status (on the Status/Notes tab), and Dates (on the Benefit Charges tab).

Unemployment Info
Name | Employee's full name. |
Claim Number | The identification number associated to the unemployment claim |
Max Benefit | The maximum dollar amount available for an unemployment claim. |
Potential Charges | The maximum dollar amount of charges that could be incurred by an employer for an unemployment claim. |
Total Earnings | The total dollar amount paid to the employee making the unemployment claim. |
Date of Hire | The date the employee was hired. |
The Dates group provides calendars for selecting dates that correspond to the unemployment claim.

1st Determined | The date the unemployment claim was initially determined. |
Appeal Determined | The date the unemployment claim was appealed. |
Benefits Expired | The date benefits for the claim expired. |
Branch Contacted | The date the recruiting agency branch was contacted about the claim. |
Claim Date | The date the unemployment claim was made. |
Claim Received | The date the unemployment claim was received by the customer. |
Status/Notes Tab
The right-side pane is separated into two tabs - the Status/Notes tab and the Benefit Charges tab.
Status | Indicates if activity is currently taking place on the claim - open or closed. |
Determination Status | The status of an unemployment claim while it is being considered - Appeal Pending, Appeal Lost, Employee Working, Appeal Won, Benefits Expired, Determination - Unfavorable, Fav. Determined, Hearing Set, Protest Waived, and Unfav. Determined. |
Reason Status | The reason for the determination status - Company Appeal, Disallowed Claim, Employee Appeal, Final Loss, First Notice, Ineligible, and Pending. |
Next Step | Subsequent actions that will be taken in the appeal process. |
Status - Check Boxes
Terminated by Employer | Select if the employee was terminated by their employer from their previous job. |
Separation Info Needed | Select if details on the employee's separation from their last employer are needed. |
Claim Not Chargeable | Select if the Unemployment claim is chargeable to the employee's previous employer. |
Protestable | Select if the unemployment can be protested by an employee's old employer. |
Appeal Pending | Select if an appeal has been filed. |
Note: A free-text field used for notes about the unemployment claim.
Benefit Charges Tab
Date Received | The date the unemployment claim was filed. |
Benefit Charges | Dollar amount of unemployment benefit charges paid. |
Grand Summaries | Total dollar amount of unemployment benefit charges paid. |
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