Updated 06/22/2021
The Documents item of the Unemployment section is used to attach documents pertinent to a unemployment claim.
Add a Document
To add a document to the unemployment claim enter the following data:
- Select the type of document being attached to the claim by selecting it from the drop-down menu of the bottom-most cell of Type column.
- Note: The options in this drop-down will be set by the site administrator.
- Click the Upload button to search for the document to add to the claim.
- Select a file from the computer's folders.
- Click Open.
- Once the document has been uploaded the files name will be displayed in the adjacent cell of the File Name column.
- To display the document click the Open icon. This will open the document in a new window.
- If an email integration has been setup for Avionté, click the email button to send the document.
- Any special messages regarding the document can be entered into the appropriate cell of the Note column.
- Enter a date for the document to expire by selecting a date from the date picker in the appropriate cell of the Expiration Date column.
- The cells in the Date Entered column will auto-populate the date the document was put into the system.
- The cells in the Entered By column will auto-populate the name of the user who entered the document into the system.
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