Supplier Property: Zero Tax On Max Exemptions State

The supplier property, ZeroTaxOnMaxExemptionsState, ensures no tax is withheld from state taxes when 99 or 999 is entered into the exemptions field for the state tax.


  1. Path = Admin Tools > Employer > Details > Supplier Properties.
  2. Type ‘ZeroTaxOnMaxExemptionsStateinto the Property field under Supplier
  3. Then again, Type ‘ZeroTaxOnMaxExemptionsState’ in the edit field just below the property.
  4. Within the Value/Edit field to the immediate right of ZeroTaxOnMaxExemptionsState – enter in the state abbreviations for the states where you operate.
  5. Separate the state abbreviations with a Comma & No Spaces.
  6. Click Save to complete set-up.
  7. Restart Avionte application to ensure all changes take root within the database.




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