The supplier property, ZeroTaxOnMaxExemptionsState, ensures no tax is withheld from state taxes when 99 or 999 is entered into the exemptions field for the state tax.
- Path = Admin Tools > Employer > Details > Supplier Properties.
- Type ‘ZeroTaxOnMaxExemptionsState’ into the Property field under Supplier
- Then again, Type ‘ZeroTaxOnMaxExemptionsState’ in the edit field just below the property.
- Within the Value/Edit field to the immediate right of ZeroTaxOnMaxExemptionsState – enter in the state abbreviations for the states where you operate.
- Separate the state abbreviations with a Comma & No Spaces.
- Click Save to complete set-up.
- Restart Avionte application to ensure all changes take root within the database.
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