Config Option - OverrideTxnGeoCodeBy


Updated 08/04/2021


The OverrideTxnGeoCodeBy property determines which GeoCode to use for Resident or Worksite Geocodes.



OverrideTxnGeoCodeBy properties

Property location: Config Option > Supplier > EmployerSetting
Default: Employee
Valid values: Employee: Overrides all Employees' (associated with a branch) Resident GeoCode by a set GeoCode (OVERRIDE_RESIDENT_GEOCODE value in Branch Settings). If that value is not set, it will use the Employee's GeoCode for their Resident Taxes.
Customer: Overrides all Employees' (associated with a Customer) Resident GeoCodes by the Customer's GeoCode. This is activated in the Customer Address screen, and is only available when ShowOverRideGeoCode is set toTrue.
Branch: Overrides all Worksite (associated with a branch) GeoCodes for the value set in OVERRIDE_WORK_GEOCODE in the Employer Settings.
Where the setting is reflected... Employee and Employer Taxes


Examples of Overrides

No Override

Pennsylvania (PA) Employee on assignment with PA Customer at PA Worksite - No Override Geocode

Branch Details: Zip Code: 17573, GeoCode: 390711930, City: Lancaster, County: Lancaster

Employee details: Zip Code: 18444, GeoCode: 390698226, City: Moscow, County: Lackawanna, School District: North Pocono

Customer & Worksite details: Zip Code: 16347, GeoCode: 391238864, City: Sheffield, County: Warren



Employee Taxes:

Lackawanna Taxes are deducted (Lackawanna has higher taxes than Warren)


Employer Taxes:

Warren taxes are deducted due to no Worksite Overrides


No Override

Pennsylvania (PA) Employee on assignment with PA Customer at Minnesota (MN) Worksite - No Override Geocode

Branch Details: Zip Code: 17573, GeoCode: 390711930, City: Lancaster, County: Lancaster

Employee details: Zip Code: 18444, GeoCode: 390698226, City: Moscow, County: Lackawanna, School District: North Pocono

Customer details: Zip Code: 16347, GeoCode: 391238864, City: Sheffield, County: Warren

Worksite Details: Zip Code: 55121,GeoCode: 240371490, City: Eagan, County: Dakota



Employee Taxes:

Applicable taxes are deducted for both Moscow (Resident) and MN(Worksite)


Employer Taxes:

MN (Worksite) taxes are deducted


Employee Override

All employees in the branch use the same Resident GeoCode

PA Branch recruits MN employees but wants them to file for PA taxes.

Branch Details: Zipcode: 17573, Geocode: 390711930, City: Lancaster, County: Lancaster

Employee Details: Zipcode: 55121, Geocode: 240371490, City: Eagan, County: Dakota

Customer & Worksite Details: ZipCode: 16347, Geocode: 391238864, City: Sheffield, County: Warren




Employee Taxes:

Only PA taxes are considered and deducted


Employer Taxes:


Customer Override

All employees with the Customer use the same Resident GeoCode

MN Employee assigned to PA Customer on MN Worksite. Customer wants Employee to use PA Resident GeoCode.

Branch Details: ZipCode: 17573, Geocode: 390711930, City: Lancaster, County: Lancaster

Employee Details: Zipcode: 55121, GeoCode: 240371490 City: Eagan, County: Dakota

Customer Details: Zipcode: 16347, Geocode: 391238864, City: Sheffield, County: Warren

Worksite Details: Zipcode: 55121, Geocode: 240371490, City: Eagan, County: Dakota

OVERRIDE_RESIDENT_GEOCODE: 391238864 (Sheffield, PA)



Employee Taxes:


Employer Taxes:


Branch Override

All employees and employers in the branch use the same Worksite GeoCode

Branch wants their GeoCode to override all worksite GeoCodes.

Branch Details: Zipcode: 17573, Geocode: 390711930, City: Lancaster, County: Lancaster

Employee Details: ZipCode: 18444, Geocode: 390698226, City: Moscow, County: Lackawanna, SD: North Pocono

Customer Details: Zipcode: 16347, Geocode: 391238864, City: Sheffield, County: Warren

Worksite Details: Zipcode: 55121, Geocode: 240371490, City: Eagan, County: Dakota

OVERRIDE_WORK_GEOCODE: 390711930 (Lancaster, PA)



Employee Taxes:

Since the Worksite (Lancaster) taxes are higher than the Resident (Moscow), the Worksite taxes are deducted.


Employer Taxes:

PA taxes are deducted due to the Worksite override.


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