Updated 08/04/2021
The OverrideTxnGeoCodeBy property determines which GeoCode to use for Resident or Worksite Geocodes.
OverrideTxnGeoCodeBy properties
Property location: | Config Option > Supplier > EmployerSetting |
Default: | Employee |
Valid values: | Employee: Overrides all Employees' (associated with a branch) Resident GeoCode by a set GeoCode (OVERRIDE_RESIDENT_GEOCODE value in Branch Settings). If that value is not set, it will use the Employee's GeoCode for their Resident Taxes. |
Customer: Overrides all Employees' (associated with a Customer) Resident GeoCodes by the Customer's GeoCode. This is activated in the Customer Address screen, and is only available when ShowOverRideGeoCode is set toTrue. | |
Branch: Overrides all Worksite (associated with a branch) GeoCodes for the value set in OVERRIDE_WORK_GEOCODE in the Employer Settings. | |
Where the setting is reflected... | Employee and Employer Taxes |
Examples of Overrides
Pennsylvania (PA) Employee on assignment with PA Customer at PA Worksite - No Override Geocode
Branch Details: Zip Code: 17573, GeoCode: 390711930, City: Lancaster, County: Lancaster
Employee details: Zip Code: 18444, GeoCode: 390698226, City: Moscow, County: Lackawanna, School District: North Pocono
Customer & Worksite details: Zip Code: 16347, GeoCode: 391238864, City: Sheffield, County: Warren
Employee Taxes:
Lackawanna Taxes are deducted (Lackawanna has higher taxes than Warren)
Employer Taxes:
Warren taxes are deducted due to no Worksite Overrides
Pennsylvania (PA) Employee on assignment with PA Customer at Minnesota (MN) Worksite - No Override Geocode
Branch Details: Zip Code: 17573, GeoCode: 390711930, City: Lancaster, County: Lancaster
Employee details: Zip Code: 18444, GeoCode: 390698226, City: Moscow, County: Lackawanna, School District: North Pocono
Customer details: Zip Code: 16347, GeoCode: 391238864, City: Sheffield, County: Warren
Worksite Details: Zip Code: 55121,GeoCode: 240371490, City: Eagan, County: Dakota
Employee Taxes:
Applicable taxes are deducted for both Moscow (Resident) and MN(Worksite)
Employer Taxes:
MN (Worksite) taxes are deducted
All employees in the branch use the same Resident GeoCode
PA Branch recruits MN employees but wants them to file for PA taxes.
Branch Details: Zipcode: 17573, Geocode: 390711930, City: Lancaster, County: Lancaster
Employee Details: Zipcode: 55121, Geocode: 240371490, City: Eagan, County: Dakota
Customer & Worksite Details: ZipCode: 16347, Geocode: 391238864, City: Sheffield, County: Warren
Employee Taxes:
Only PA taxes are considered and deducted
Employer Taxes:
All employees with the Customer use the same Resident GeoCode
MN Employee assigned to PA Customer on MN Worksite. Customer wants Employee to use PA Resident GeoCode.
Branch Details: ZipCode: 17573, Geocode: 390711930, City: Lancaster, County: Lancaster
Employee Details: Zipcode: 55121, GeoCode: 240371490 City: Eagan, County: Dakota
Customer Details: Zipcode: 16347, Geocode: 391238864, City: Sheffield, County: WarrenWorksite Details: Zipcode: 55121, Geocode: 240371490, City: Eagan, County: Dakota
OVERRIDE_RESIDENT_GEOCODE: 391238864 (Sheffield, PA)
Employee Taxes:
Employer Taxes:
All employees and employers in the branch use the same Worksite GeoCode
Branch wants their GeoCode to override all worksite GeoCodes.
Branch Details: Zipcode: 17573, Geocode: 390711930, City: Lancaster, County: Lancaster
Employee Details: ZipCode: 18444, Geocode: 390698226, City: Moscow, County: Lackawanna, SD: North Pocono
Customer Details: Zipcode: 16347, Geocode: 391238864, City: Sheffield, County: Warren
Worksite Details: Zipcode: 55121, Geocode: 240371490, City: Eagan, County: Dakota
OVERRIDE_WORK_GEOCODE: 390711930 (Lancaster, PA)
Employee Taxes:
Since the Worksite (Lancaster) taxes are higher than the Resident (Moscow), the Worksite taxes are deducted.
Employer Taxes:
PA taxes are deducted due to the Worksite override.
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