

Updated 08/05/2021


The UseOutlookEmail property controls whether a user can use Outlook Email within Avionte, also making the Outlook menu visible on the Start Page's vertical Main Menu.



UseOutlookEmail properties

Property location: Config Option > User > User_UserSetting
Default: False
Valid values: True: User is allowed to use Outlook Email within Avionte, also making the Outlook menu visible on the Start Page's vertical Main Menu. Also, while sending emails from different sections of the application such as Employee, Customer, Order, DH Order, Contact, Assignment, Agency, Billing, Payroll, Invoice, or Paycheck, a window may appear to choose either Outlook or SMTP mail profile (this only appears if the UseSMTPEmail option is also set to True).
False: User cannot send email using Outlook, and the Outlook menu is hidden in the Start Page's vertical Main Menu.
Where the setting is reflected... Outlook menu on the Start Page's vertical Main Menu, and various sections of Avionte that provide sending of emails.



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