Time Entry - Search


Updated 06/24/2021
The Time Entry > Search section allows users to search and select transaction in a given accounting period that matches specific search criteria and filters.

Perform a Search

An accounting period must be selected on the Time Entry > Home page before conducting a search. 
  1. Select a Search Type. See the Search Type section for more information.
    Note: To set this Search Type as the default, click Set


  2. Enter search criteria in the Search Criteria field. 


  3. Press Enter on the keyboard to conduct the search.

  4. Double-click on a transaction in the grid to navigate to Time Entry > Card View for that transaction.
    Note: All results from the search will be available in the bottom section of Card View under the search tab.


Search Type

The Search Type field defines the type of results that will appear as a result of the search criteria. 

Field Description
Employee Name Employee's full name. Must be in the format of "Last Name, First Name."
Employee SSN Employee's Social Security Number.
Employee ID Employee identification number.
Customer Name The name of the customer associated with the time entry.
Customer ID The unique number assigned to the customer associated with the time entry.
Order ID The unique number assigned to the order associated with the time entry.
Assignment ID The unique number assigned to the assignment associated with the time entry.
Batch ID The unique number assigned to the batch associated with the time entry.



Field Chooser

The Field Chooser allows users to select which columns of information display in the search grid. See the table below for descriptions of each column. Click the field chooser icon, fieldchooser_icon.PNG, in the upper left-hand corner of the window to display the Field Chooser window.

Field Description
Accounting Period The transaction's accounting period.
Branch Branch associated with the transaction.
Customer Name The name of the customer on the transaction.
Dept. Name The name of the department associated to the customer on the transaction.
Employee Name The employee's full name.
Payee Name The entity being paid.
Short Name An abbreviated name for the employee.
SSN Social Security Number.
Total Bill The full amount being billed.
Total Pay The full amount being paid.
Week Worked The week that the work took place in.



Search Option Panel

The Search Option Panel on the far right of the screen offers the option to export the search results in Microsoft Excel. 



Click the Export to Excel button to open the search results in Microsoft Excel. 


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