Using Instant Pay (Daily Pay)

The Back Office > Time Entry > Split view sub-menu offers ‘Instant Pay’ functionality which is used to immediately pay employees.  When an Instant Pay is performed, the system performs all Time Entry batch verification and paycheck processing in one click and creates a paycheck ready to be printed.

Note: This feature is for Classic only.



Group (Batch) Instant Pay
Individual Instant Pay
Individual Instant Pay Transactions
Instant Pay Errors




If "Split View" does not appear as a sub-menu option, make sure you have access to that Form.

There are two ways to execute Instant Pay.  

  • Group (Batch) Instant Pay
  • Individual (Transaction) Instant Pay




Group (Batch) Instant Pay

Group Instant Pay can be used to perform multiple transactions at once. This functionality can be particularly useful when paying Daily Labor. When performing a Group Instant Pay, Instant Pay is executed in a batch.

  1. Navigate to Time Entry and create on New Batch.


  2. Enter any notes or information in the Description field.
  3. Click on the Finish button


  4. Click Create Transaction.


    1. A pop up will appear, displaying how many Transactions had been created.
  5. Click the OK button

  6. Click on the Split View option (left pane)


  7. Enter hours for all transactions to which Instant Pay will apply. 


  8. Click on Instant Pay.
    1. If error messages are generated during a group Instant Pay process then review the Instant Pay errors section.
      Instant Pay Errors

  9. Clicking Instant Pay will verify the current Time Entry batch, close the Time Entry batch, create a new Payroll batch. Select the transactions, process the Payroll verification, and open a Payment Print dialogue box.
    Processing Payroll

    When the Instant Pay process is complete, the PaymentPrint dialog displays. Checks can be sorted and printed.




Individual Instant Pay

Instant Pay can also be performed for a single transaction. An individual Instant Pay can be done
several different ways, once you have created a Time Entry Batch.

  • Instant Pay from the Actions Menu
  • Instant Pay by Right-Clicking
  • Instant Pay column in the Split View screen


Instant Pay from the Actions Menu

Note: After you have created a Time Entry Batch
  1. Enter hours on the transaction for which you’d like to perform an Instant Pay.

  2. Make sure the transaction is selected (highlighted).

  3. Click on Actions

  4. Click on Instant Pay


If error messages are generated during a group Instant Pay process then review the Instant Pay errors section.



Instant Pay by Right-Clicking

An Individual Instant Pay can be performed by right-clicking on a transaction in Sheet View, Card View, or Split View sub-menus. 

Note: After you have created a Time Entry Batch
  1. Enter hours on the transaction for which you’d like to perform an Instant Pay.

  2. Right-click on the transaction.


  3. Click on Instant Pay


If error messages are generated during a group Instant Pay process then review the Instant Pay errors section.



Instant Pay column in the Split View Screen

An Individual Instant Pay can be done by clicking on the Instant Pay icon next to the Employee
you would like to perform an Instant Pay for in the Instant Pay column of the Split View screen.

Note: After you have created a Time Entry Batch
  1. Enter hours on the transaction for which you’d like to perform an Instant Pay.

  2. Click the Instant Pay (stack of cash) icon next to the employee who will receive the instant pay. 


If error messages are generated during a group Instant Pay process then review the Instant Pay errors section.



Individual Instant Pay Transactions

If the Time Entry batch associated with the transaction selected for Instant Pay has only that one
transaction in it, the system will verify the Time Entry batch, close the Time Entry batch, create a
new Payroll batch, select the transaction, process the payment verification, and open a
PaymentPrint dialogue box from which you can print the check.

If the Time Entry batch associated with the transaction selected for Instant Pay has multiple
transactions, the system will:

  • Create a new Time Entry batch for the transaction selected for Instant Pay
  • Move the selected transaction to the newly created batch
  • Verify that Time Entry batch
  • Close that Time Entry batch
  • Create a new Payroll batch
  • Select the transaction
  • Process the payment verification
  • Open the PaymentPrint dialogue box for check printing




Instant Pay Errors

If there are errors with the Time Entry batch while executing an Instant Pay, a Transaction Batch Verification dialogue box will generate.


  • Clicking No will not let the user proceed further with Instant Pay.

  • Clicking Yes will direct the user to the Time Entry Batch > Error & Warning section where the errors can be fixed or approved.

  • Once the errors are fixed or approved, the user will then have to click Instant Pay again for the Instant Pay to process further.

If there are errors in the Payroll process while doing an Instant Pay, a Payroll Batch Confirmation dialogue box will generate.


  • Clicking No will not let the user proceed further with Instant Pay.

  • Clicking Yes will direct the user to the Payroll > Error & Warning section where the errors can be fixed or approved.

  • Once the errors have been fixed or approved, the user will need to go to the Payroll Home screen and click Process to continue with Instant Pay.

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