Config Option - DefaultCustomerOTPlan


Updated 10/25/2021


The DefaultCustomerOTPlan property stores the default value for the overtime plan for a new customer.



DefaultCustomerOTPlan properties

Admin Tools location: Config Option > Site > Branch Setting
Default:  N/A
Valid values:  
AB OT: Alberta OT Plan
BC OT Plan: British Columbia OT Plan
California OT Plan: California OT Plan
Canada OT Plan: Canadian Federal OT Plan
MB OT Plan: Manitoba OT Plan
NL OT Plan: Newfoundland OT Plan
NT OT Plan: Northwest Territory OT Plan
NU OT Plan: Nunavet OT Plan
ON OT Plan: Ontario OT Plan
PE OT Plan: Prince Edward Island OT Plan
QC OT Plan: Quebec OT Plan
SK OT Plan: Saskatchewan OT Plan
US Daily Plan: United States Daily OT Plan
US Fed OT Plan: United Stated Federal OT Plan
YT OT Plan: Yukon Territory OT Plan
Where the setting is reflected... Payroll


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