Updated 06/10/2022
The PromptUserWhenPostingARPayments property controls whether users are prompted with the message: "Accounts Receivable Payment to be processed. Are you sure you want to proceed?" with the options Yes or No, when selecting Process Payments in the AR Post Payment window. If the user chooses Yes on the prompt, the Process Payment action will take place. Otherwise, the user can select No and the payments will not be processed yet. This can prevent you from selecting the option in error.
PromptUserWhenPostingARPayments properties
Admin Tools location: | Config Option > Site > Branch Setting |
Default: | False |
Valid values: | True: A message displays prompting the user if they want to proceed with processing AR payments. |
False: AR payments will be processed as soon as soon as Process Payments is clicked. | |
Where the setting is reflected... | Post Payment tab in the AR section. |

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