Updated 10/25/2021
This property contains the number value or Today which later gets added to the current accounting period date and appears in the Check date field while creating new batch in the Payroll section. For instance, if it has value "2" and the current accounting period is 2-26-2012 then the default check date appears as 2-28-2012. If the value is Today then the current date appears.
DefaultCheckDate properties
Admin Tools location: | Config Option > Site > Branch Setting |
Default: | |
Valid values: | Today: Current date is used. |
Number (whole) days to add to accounting period date to use as check date: 6 = Saturdays 5 = Fridays 4 = Thursdays 3 = Wednesdays 2 = Tuesdays 1 = Mondays 0 = Sundays |
Where the setting is reflected... | Payroll section |
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