Evaluation is a feature located in Admin Tools used to create and send customized surveys to employees and contacts. Currently, this functionality only works with an SMTP email profile.
Note: The Evaluation submenu item must be made available using the Forms section for both Employee and Contact.
Access Evaluations
- Open Admin Tools.
- Select Evaluation from the system menu. The Evaluation form opens.
The Evaluation section is a two-tabbed configuration page.
Evaluation Question Base Tab
On this tab users, can set up all questions to be displayed in Surveys.
- Click Add New.
- Add a question in the Question Label field.
- Select an Evaluation Question Type, which has four different options:
- CHECKBOXANSWER: A question type where multiple options can be selected and has a text box to enter free text.
- DROPDOWN: A question type where options will appear in a dropdown and survey taker can choose only one answer from the list.
- DROPDOWNANSWER: A question type where options will appear in a dropdown, survey taker can choose only one answer from the list and has a text box to enter free text.
- TEXTBOX: A question type where survey taker can enter free text.
- Enter answers separated by a comma into the Value List field.
- Click Save.
Evaluation Question Tab
On this tab users can set up individual surveys.
- Click Add New.
- Enter a name for the survey in the Evaluation Name field.
- Enter a description of the survey in the Description field.
- Select an Evaluation Type from the drop-down menu.
- Select an Entity Type:
- Select Employee if the evaluations are for employees
- Select Contact if the evaluations are intended for contacts.
- Enter Evaluation link. The link is usually entered in the following format:
- Hosted:
- <http>:<HostName>/Portals/Portals/Evaluation/Evaluation.aspx (Unsecure)
- <https>:<HostName>/Portals/Portals/Evaluation/Evaluation.aspx (Secure)
- HostName = companycode.aviontego.com (ex. - abc.aviontego.com)
- Complete URL example: https://abc.aviontego.com/portals/Portals/Evaluation/Evaluation.aspx
- Self-Hosted
- <http>:<HostName>/<PortalName>/Portals/Portals/Evaluation/Evaluation.aspx (Unsecure)
- <https>:<HostName>/<PortalName>/Portals/Portals/Evaluation/Evaluation.aspx (Secure)
- HostName = Root URL
- PortalName = Application
- Depending on server setup, structure may vary for self-hosted clients
- Hosted:
- Select a user to whom the email should go to if the employee selects "reply" following the survey's completion.
- Check the Active box to make it active.
- Place a check mark next to questions in the Evaluation Question list to add questions to the evaluation.
- Click Save.
- A confirmation message displays. Click OK.
Note: Evaluations can be deleted by right-clicking an evaluation in the grid.
Send a Survey
Once the Evaluation is set up, it can be sent to employees using Avionté's embedded email client.
- Select Send Email either through the Contact or Employee Actions menu.
Note: If both Outlook and SMTP are set up, select SMTP.
- Edit or add any contact information in the email fields.
Note: The selected Employee or Contact email address appears in the "To" field. If this address is removed, the address will still receive the evaluation email. If an address is entered to replace the original email address, both the original recipient AND the newly added address will receive the evaluation email. - In the now open New Email wizard, enter the text desired in the email body.
- Highlight the text that is to become a clickable link.
- Select an evaluation from the drop-down menu above.
- Click Send & Close in the upper-left. The survey will be sent to the recipient and any added recipients.
Note: Each survey can be filled out once per email, and will be saved in the Employee or Customer Evaluation section.
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