Standard Report - Paycheck Signoff

This report provides a list of employees who need to sign to acknowledge the receipt of their checks. The report can be filtered by customer name, check type (including options for all, live checks, and direct deposit), and start and end dates. It offers grouping options based on different criteria, such as branch or customer. The report includes fields like Staffing Company, Employee Name, Check No., DD (indicating direct deposit), and a "Sign Below" field that requires manual completion.


Key Takeaways

  • Employee Check Receipt Notification: The report compiles a list of employees who need to sign to confirm the receipt of their checks, streamlining the process of tracking acknowledgment.

  • Customizable Filters: Users can filter the report results by customer name, check type (including live checks and direct deposit), and specific date ranges, enhancing the flexibility and relevance of the generated list.

  • Grouping Options: The report offers grouping based on criteria from two user-selectable categories, such as branch or customer, allowing for an organized presentation of data while maintaining the flexibility to exclude grouping if needed.

List of employees that are required to sign to notify of check receipt.





Parameter Name



Customer Name


Filters results by customer Name.

Check Type

All, Live Checks, Direct Deposit


Start Date



End Date



 Group 1

Branch, Customer, None                 

Shows grouping based on the value selected in group 1. If none is selected then grouping will not be done.

Group 2

Branch, Customer, None                 

Shows grouping based on the value selected in group 2. If none is selected then grouping will not be done.


All available branches.

Filters branch from paycheck



Report Fields

Field Name


Staffing Company

Pulls supplier name from paycheck

Employee Name

Pulls employee name

Check No.

Pulls check number from paycheck


Shows Y if the check is direct deposit else N.

Sign Below

Need to fill later manually.



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