Standard Report - OSHA 300A

This setup enables the report to gather data only from WCClaims with an Injury Date as the date type. The report summarizes work-related injuries and illnesses, offering filters for year, branch, and claim type. The report's fields encompass details such as establishment names based on selected parameters, addresses, counts of various injury types, and totals for cases and days away from work.

Key Takeaways

  • Focused Data Retrieval: The setup ensures that the report gathers data exclusively from WCClaims with "Injury Date" as the date type, enhancing the precision of information collected for analysis.

  • Comprehensive Injury Summary: The report provides an overview of work-related injuries and illnesses, allowing users to analyze key metrics like the number of cases, days away from work, and various injury types, enabling a better understanding of workplace health and safety trends.

  • Adaptable Reporting: With customizable filters for year, branch, and claim type, the report accommodates diverse analytical needs, while its parameter-based fields dynamically adapt to the chosen criteria, enhancing reporting flexibility and accuracy.

Required Setup

Pulls only those WcCaims which have the date type as Injury Date in the date section.  The Year ID filter pulls the date from the Injury Date/Time field.


In the Administration Menu > Wc Claim




Report Description

Summarizes work-related injuries and illnesses.





Filter Name





Filter data from the Year entered

Branch (Assignment)


Filters branch from Assignment

Claim Type

All Available WcClaim Type


Report Based On

Supplier, Branch, Customer


Root Customer Name


Filters result by root customer name

Root Customer ID


Filters result by root customer ID




Roll Up To Root Customer

True and False Based on this parameter, results will either be displayed per individual customer department or rolled into Root Customer.



Report Fields

Field Name



Pulls the year of the parameter.

Establishment Name

If the parameter Report Based On is selected as "Supplier," the Establishment Name pulls the staffing supplier description.

If the parameter Report Based On is selected as "Branch," the Establishment Name pulls site description.

If the parameter Report Based On is selected as "Customer":

  • If Roll Up To Root Customer is "True", Establishment Name pulls "root customer name".
  • If Roll Up To Root Customer is "False", Establishment Name pulls "root customer name - customer department name".


Address: Displays the addresses based on the parameter Report Based On (Supplier’s, Branch’s, Customer’s): Pulls Street 1


Address: Displays the addresses based on the parameter Report Based On (Supplier’s, Branch’s, Customer’s): Pulls City


Address: Displays the addresses based on the parameter Report Based On (Supplier’s, Branch’s, Customer’s): Pulls State


Address: Displays the addresses based on the parameter Report Based On (Supplier’s, Branch’s, Customer’s): Pulls Zip Code

Total number of deaths

Counts the number of WCClaims that have an 'Extra' value of "Death" with system name MostSeriousOutcome.

Total number of cases with days away from work

Counts the number of WCClaims that have an Extra with system name ‘No.oflostdays’.

The Value must be numeric and cannot be 0.

Total number of cases with job transfer or restriction

Counts the number of WCClaims that have an 'Extra' value of "Job transfer" with system name ‘MostSeriousOutcome’.

Total number of other recordable cases

Counts the number of WCClaims that have an 'Extra' value of "Other Recordable Cases" with system name ‘MostSeriousOutcome’.

Total number of days away from work

SUM of Extra Value with Extra Label with system name ‘No.oflostdays’.
The value of must be numeric and cannot be 0.

Total number of days of job transfer or restriction

SUM of Extra Value with Extra Label with system name ‘No.ofonjobtransfer’.

The value must be numeric and cannot be 0.


If parameter Report Based On is selected as Supplier, NAICSCode pulls value of staffing supplier property 'OSHA NAICS Code'

If parameter Report Based On is selected as Branch, NAICSCode pulls value of staffing supplier site property 'OSHA NAICS Code'

If parameter Report Based On is selected as Customer, NAICSCode pulls customer extra value for system name ‘NAICSCode’.


Counts the number of WCClaims that have an 'Extra' value of "Injury" with system name ‘InjuryType’.

Skin disorders

Counts the number of WCClaims that have an 'Extra' value of "Skin Disorder" with system name ‘InjuryType’.

Respiratory conditions

Counts the number of WCClaims that have an 'Extra' value of "Respiratory Condition" with system name ‘InjuryType’.


Counts the number of WCClaims that have an 'Extra' value of "Poisoning" with system name ‘InjuryType’.

Hearing loss

Counts the number of WCClaims that have an 'Extra' value of "Hearing Loss" with system name ‘InjuryType’.

All other illnesses

Counts the number of WCClaims that have an 'Extra' value of "All Other Illnesses" with system name ‘InjuryType’.

Annual average number of employees

Counts total number of employees on an average based on the parameter Report Based On.

Total hours worked by all employees last year

Counts total hours worked based on the parameter Report Based On



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