Add New
Field |
Description |
Category |
SYSTEM SETTING - AVIONTÈ RECOMMENDS LEAVING THIS VALUE AT ITS DEFAULT. Displays what entity within the Core application this eDocument can be linked to. |
eDocument Name | The display name for this eDocument. | ||||||||||
System Name |
SYSTEM SETTING - AVIONTÈ RECOMMENDS LEAVING THIS VALUE AT ITS DEFAULT. Value used on the back end to track this eDocument through the system. Note: Changing this value can break the eDocument.
Validation Method |
SYSTEM SETTING - AVIONTÈ RECOMMENDS LEAVING THIS VALUE AT ITS DEFAULT. Lists the store procedure that checks to see if this eDocument is valid. |
Processing Method |
SYSTEM SETTING - AVIONTÈ RECOMMENDS LEAVING THIS VALUE AT ITS DEFAULT. Lists the store procedure that will help this eDocument interact with a database. |
Pre-Populate Method |
SYSTEM SETTING - AVIONTÈ RECOMMENDS LEAVING THIS VALUE AT ITS DEFAULT. Lists the store procedure that inserts the information from an entity into this eDocument. |
SYSTEM SETTING - AVIONTÈ RECOMMENDS LEAVING THIS VALUE AT ITS DEFAULT. Lists the store procedure which processes this eDocument through the system. |
Document Type |
Places this document into a group with similar eDocuments.
Page Path | Location of this eDocument within the server's directory. | ||||||||||
Electronic Signature with Signature Pad |
Set only if the signer(s) must use an electronic signature pad.
Both boxes may be checked requiring a signature by both the employee and employer. |
Other Options |
Set other requirements and actions available for this eDocument.
Branch | Select which branches in the core application will have this eDocument available for selection. To remove an item from view in a branch, un-check the box next to the corresponding branch. |
Inactivate an eDocument
Users may inactive an eDocument so it's not displayed in a branch portal or so the eDoc is not active for a single employee.
Inactivate an eDocument from a Branch Portal
In the Admin Portal:
- Click Edocument on the top menu.
- Click View next to the eDocument to be inactivated.
- Remove the check mark from any box corresponding to the branch that will no longer have the eDoc active.
- In the image below, the "Direct Deposit" eDoc will no longer be active for the Atlanta Sales and Chicago branches.
- Click Update.
Inactivate an eDocument for an Employee
In the Avionté core application:
- Navigate to Main Menu
- Search for an Employee
- Double-click on the Employee's row
- Click Documents in the sub-menu
- Click the EDocuments tab on the far-right
- Un-check the box in the Active column that corresponds to the eDocument to be inactivated.
Company Handbook
The Company Handbook menu option is designed as a simple storage spot for a company's common handbook of rules.
Upload a Handbook
- Click the drop-down menu arrow and select the branch to which the handbook will be available
- Click upload. The File Upload window will display.
- Select a File Type from the drop-down menu.
- Click Choose File.
- Browse for and select a document (PDF, MS Word, etc.) from the computer's folders. The document will display as the uploaded document in the Handbook area.
eDocument Detail
Once an eDocument has been created (see Add New above), the fields on the eDocument are created from the eDocument Detail page.
While adding a field in the eDocument Detail Setting area (shown below) creates a field for an eDocument, Avionté Technical Services still needs to make a database connection from the eDocument to the newly created field. Any field created in the eDocument Detail requires a follow-up request for work from Avionté Technical Services.
Follow the process described in the eDocument Request Process article to enact changes.
eDocument Fields
Add a Field
The eDocument Detail page displays the internal names of fields, the action presentation of the field (free-text, check box, etc.), and to whom the field is displayed - an employee, an employer, or both.
To add a field to the eDocument Detail page:
- Choose a document from the Select eDocument drop-down menu.
- Enter a name for the field in the Control Name space.
- This is the name of the control field in the eDocument. This name needs to exactly match the control name that has been named in the eDocument content.
- In the ControlvalueProperty space, describe the type of action to be offered by the field on the eDocument
- Examples - "Text" for free-text field, "SelectedValue" for a drop-down menu, "Checked" for check box and radio button fields
- In the Field Description space, enter the description for that field. This description will not be seen in the eDocument but only seen in the database.
- From the Field Type drop-down menu, select who is able to see the field. Field type setup does not hides the control but enables the feature to be edited by the selected group. For example- None field type will not allow neither employee nor employer to edit the field. However, they will be able to see the fields.
- Employee - The field is only seen by an employee
- Employer - The field is only seen by an employer
- Both - The field is editable by an employer and an employee
- None - The field is hidden from employers and employees and only seen be Avionté Technical Support.
- EmployerSecondSubmit
- Click Add to include the new field in the grid below. A field displayed in the grid is an indicator of a field that exists on the eDocument.
Remove a Field
To remove a field from the eDocument Detail display, click the Delete icon in the grid row of the field to be deleted.
Edit a Field's Values
To edit a field's properties on the eDocument Detail display:
- Choose a document from the Select eDocument drop-down menu.
- Click View in the field's grid row.
- Change the value in the Control Name, Controlvalue Property, Field Description, and/or Field Type spaces.
- Click Update to save changes. The updated information will be reflected in the grid below.
Auto Setup eDocument
The Auto Setup eDocument option is meant for internal use only. This option is the easiest way to set up the eDocument controls. Auto Setup is an alternative to the eDocument Field menu to add control names. Using the Auto Setup eDocument option will automatically display the list of control names that are used in the eDocument. Changes to this tab may cause the eDocument to not work.
- In the Admin Portal, click the eDocument link.
- Click the Auto Setup eDocument link in the left vertical menu.
Note: An eDocument must exist for this link to display. - Select an eDocument from the drop-down menu. A list of editable controls for this eDocument appear.
Control Options
There are various ways to control the fields of an eDocument:
- Click the Select all or Unselect all button to select or deselect all of the editable controls.
- Use the Entity Type drop-down menu to select which profiles (Employee, Employer, None, Both) the new configuration will apply to. You can click the Apply all button to apply it immediately to all profiles.
- Alternatively, you can individually select if each field is active, or which profiles it applies to, by using the check mark box or drop-down located next to its control.
Note: A Field Description can be added for each control by using the free-text box in the far right column. - After configuring all fields, click the Update button to apply the changes to the eDocument.
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