Config Option - DefaultCustomerWeekendDay


Updated 10/25/2021


The DefaultCustomerWeekendDay property specifies the Branch [Site] Level default value that would apply to the Customer Weekend Day when creating a New Customer in Classic.



DefaultCustomerWeekendDay properties

Admin Tools location: Config Option > Site > Branch Setting
Default: Sunday
Valid values: Any day of the week.
Where the setting is reflected...

This setting is reflected ONLY WHEN CREATING A NEW CUSTOMER IN CLASSIC beneath the specified branch. It appears as the value for the Weekend Day field on the Service Info tab under Payroll in Sales & Service in the Customer section. 


This setting can be used to set the week worked for customers. For example, to set the week worked as Monday - Sunday, set the default value to be "Sunday."


The value under Customer > Sales & Service > Service Info > Payroll > Weekend Day is utilized in Time Entry, when a transaction is created it will use the Weekend Day value to determine the Week Worked date.


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