Standard Report - Gross Profit Setup

The Gross Profit Report calculates gross profit by customer. It is a great all-around report that can give you a good idea of company and sales performance. This report can also be used for bonus and commission calculations. 

For more information on Standard Reports and their attributes, see Standard Reports

The Gross Profit report breaks down data into different categories, columns and totals based on the setup of the "Transaction Types" used. Depending on the different transaction types selected, the totals will be different.  

For step by step instructions on how to set up transaction types, see Admin Tools: Transaction Type.


Set Up Legend Parameter

The Legend Parameter allows you to compare the Transaction Type rules to the Gross Profit Report rules. Follow the below steps to access the Legend Parameter. 

  1. From the Main Menu, navigate to Report > Reports

  2. Select All Reports under "Report Category."

  3. Type "Gross Profit" into the blank field under the "Title" column.

  4. Double-click Gross Profit. When processing has finished, the "Report View" window will display.

  5. In the fields at the top of the "Report View' window, ensure the True radio button for "Show Legend" is selected.

  6. Click View Report.



Comparing Transaction Types

Setting the "Show Legend" field to "True" will allow you to easily compare Transaction Types to the categories and columns of the report. The properties to compare for this example are listed below.


In the below example, the three most important areas to look at are: 


Name Description
Bill Amount Sums the bill amount for transaction types where IsAdjustment = 0. This means that it creates a sum of the totals for the transaction types that are not adjustments as set up in Admin Tools. 
GP Adj. Bill Sums the bill amount for the transaction types where IsAdjustment = 1 and GP Calculation = True. 
Note: The GP Adj Bill rules match the ACA Admin Fee properties. 
Non GP Adj. Bill

Sums the bill amount for the transaction types where IsAdjustment = 1 and GP Calculation = False. 

Note: The Non-GB Adj Bill rules match the Reimbursement properties.



Example Report

This example illustrates how data is broken down to yield different totals by comparing Gross Profit to the Invoice Register. Four invoices from Accounting Period 3/28/2016 - 4/3/2016 were selected and include both ACA Admin Fee and Reimbursement transaction types. 



Invoice 33384: ACA Admin Fee account = $26.35

Invoice 33385: ACA Admin Fee account = $37.78

Invoice 33386: ACA Admin Fee account = $67.53 and Reimbursement amount = $95.68

Invoice 33387: ACA Admin Fee amount = $12.70


ACA Admin Fee Total = $144.36

Reimbursement Total = $95.68


Adjustment Total = $240.04


When the Invoice Register is run, these four invoices equal a "Bill Amn't" of $7,362.77. 


Using the same four invoices, the "Gross Profit Bill Amount" equals $7,122.73.


The amounts differ by $240.04. This is because the Gross Profit report has broken the data down into different categories and columns based on the Transaction Types used. In this case, the ACA Admin Fee and Reimbursement Transaction Types have been selected.

In this report, the ACA Admin Fees ($144.36) are found under the "GP Adj Bill" column. When added to the "Bill Amount" ($7,122.73), the total Billed Amount is $7,267.09.

The Reimbursement amount ($95.68) is listed under "Non GP Adj Bill." 

When the "Bill Amount" and the "Non GP Adj Bill" are added, the total equals $7,362.77. Ultimately, these reports provide the same total and all dollars are accounted for. 


Billed Amount ($7,267.09) + Non GP Adj Bill ($95.68) = $7,362.77



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