Employee Portal Config Option - Web_Time_Entry_Employee_Unsubmit_Email_End


Updated 07/28/2021


The Web_Time_Entry_Employee_Unsubmit_Email_End property determines the content of the end of the email sent upon an un-submit of an employee timecard. This value can contain any additional information to be included in the email, such as "Thank you," marketing content, or disclaimer text. This property depends upon the Web_TimeEntry_AllowEmployeeUnSubmitTime and Web_Time_Entry_Employee_Unsubmit_SendEmail properties being enabled.



Web_Time_Entry_Employee_Unsubmit_Email_End properties

Property location: Avionte Admin Portal > Portal Property> Employee portal
Default Empty value.
Valid values: Free-form text. HTML markup is supported.
Where the setting is reflected... The end of the email sent upon unsubmit.



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