Talent Card QuickViews


Updated 08/02/2021


The QuickView links on a Talent card allow a recruiter to view and manage information about the Talent.


Talent QuickView
Career QuickView
Tasks QuickView
Profile Tasks
Questionnaire & Acknowledgment
     Send a Task
Q & A QuickView
Messages QuickView



Talent QuickView

Element Description
Career Contains information such as work history, resume, and education.
Tasks A talent task is an activity assigned to an employee or candidate. Typically, talent tasks are sent from recruiters to candidates during the onboarding process. A talent task can be a request for a signature on a document, or a skills assessment, or the completion of a W-4 document. 
Q & A Interview questions, and other on-boarding data.

A log of all messages associated with the selected Talent card.  Messages logged in either the Core Application or Recruiter Module are displayed in the Messages QuickView.



Career QuickView

The Career QuickView generates a display of the Talent's professional experience and education. 

Career information is generated when talent is added to Avionté Web Platform - either from a resume parse or an update in the core application.



Tasks QuickView

Recruiters work with talent to ensure the talent is prepared for a position. Part of that preparation includes an assessment of skills and the completion of required paperwork. Recruiters use the Tasks QuickView to send electronic documents and assessments to talent.

Element Description
E-Signature Documents Electronic documents, created with Adobe Sign, are created in an Adobe Sign account, then sent through Talent Tasks from a recruiter to the talent in the Talent Module. 
Talent Assessments

Assess on Cloud, a product offered by Kenexa/IBM, offers assessments in a variety of different fields and skill sets. Assessments range from Basic to Advanced levels and include topics in Accounting, Behavioral, Call Center, Clerical, Financial, Healthcare, Industrial, Legal, Software, and Technical environments. 


Assessments are sent from the Tasks QuickView functionality, and, like E-signature documents, are received in the Talent Module.

Packets Packets - planned for the April 2018 release - allow a recruiter to send a combined set of tasks to a talent with a few simple clicks.



Profile Tasks

Recruiters can assign tasks that will populate data in the Talent's Profile area. 

  • Competencies
  • EEO
  • Education
  • Personal Info
  • Professional Experience
  • Questionnaire
  • Resume
  • Criminal history (permission access only)
  • Direct Deposit (permission access only)




A Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) questionnaire can now be sent as a Talent task.


The WOTC talent task works with any of Avionté's integration partners.


For setup and usage details, visit the WOTC Integration article or the ADP WOTC Integration article. 



Questionnaire & Acknowledgment

Recruiters can send an acknowledgment task so that Talent can confirm when they've completed a task. A questionnaire can also be sent to a candidate or employee to gather data. 


Both the questionnaire and acknowledgment must be associated with a workflow as this is how the task is delivered to the Talent.




Send a Task

Tasks are configured and enabled by an admin in the Admin section of the Recruiter Module. Talent receives tasks such as assessment and E-Signature documents in the Talent Module. A recruiter can use the following process to send the configured tasks to the talent's Home page. 

  1. Navigate to the Recruiter Module > Talent section.

  2. In a talent's card, click the Tasks QuickView. The status of any of the talent's task are shown in the right-hand pane. Click the  to view the most recent status of tasks.

  3. Click the  to open the Request tasks menu. Any tasks enabled by an admin will be available for selection.

  4. Use the expand/collapse menus to search for assessments and/or documents to be sent. Place a check mark next any item to be sent to a Talent Module.

  5. Click Send request. Any selected Talent Task will be sent to the talent' Home page in the Talent Module.



Q & A QuickView

The Q & A QuickView area features questions and answers from the Talent's interview. Questions and answers can be edited or deleted from this area.




Messages QuickView

The Messages QuickView provides a list of all messages associated with the selected Talent card. Messages logged in either the Core Application or Recruiter Module are displayed in the Messages QuickView.


Clicking on Messages in the current card will display all messages associated with the current record in the Messages QuickView.  



Each message displays the name of the message creator and is stamped with the date it was created. Messages in the QuickView are sorted in reverse chronological order according to the message creation date.




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