Agency Transaction


Updated 07/07/2021
The Transaction item of the Agency section is used to record and view transactions related to the selected agency.


The Transaction is separated into an upper and lower grid that display different data.



Upper-Grid Field Chooser

Depending on the options selected from the upper-grid field chooser menu, the grid displays the following columns:


Field Description
Accounting Period Date The end date of the accounting period.
Agency Cost Total amount payable either to the sub-contracting agency or the individual contractor excluding any deductions.
Bill To Name Name of the entity being billed.
Bill DT Hours The number of Double Time hours being billed.
Bill OT Hours The number of Over Time hours being billed.
Bill RT Hours The number of Regular Time hours being billed.
Bill Total Hours Total number of hours being billed.
CheckNumber The identification number of the individual check being issued.
DepartmentName Name of the customer department associated with the transaction.
DT Hours Total number of Double Time hours worked.
DTBill Total number of Double Time hours being billed.
DTPay Total number of Double Time hours being paid.
Employee Name Name of the employee attached to the transaction.
Employer Taxes Amount of taxes being paid by the employer.
GrossProfit Profit made by a staffing company on the transaction.
GrossProfitPercent The staffing company's profit expressed as a percentage.
GrossWages Taxable income which does not include pass through deductions.
InvoiceNumber Identification number of the invoice attached to the transaction.
JobPosition Name of the position held by the employer.
OT Hours Total number of Over Time hours worked by the employee.
OTBill Total amount of Over Time hours being billed.
OTPay Total amount of Over Time hours being paid.
PayeeName Name of the entity being paid.
PaymentCost Sum of Gross Wages, Agency Cost, WC Cost, Employer taxes, and Burden.
RT Hours Total amount of Regular Time hours worked by the employee.
RTBill Total amount of Regular Time hours being billed.
RTPay Total amount of Regular Time hours being paid.
See Invoice The "jump" buttons in this column navigate you to the Summary item of the Invoice section.
See Paycheck The "jump" buttons in this column navigate you to the Summary item of the Paycheck section.
ShiftName Name of the shift worked by the employee.
SiteName Name of the worksite location.
Total Bill The total amount being billed.
Total Hours The total number of hours worked by the employee.
Total Pay Total amount being paid.
Week Worked Indicates the pay period of the transaction.



Lower-Grid Field Chooser

Depending on the options selected from the upper-grid field chooser menu, the grid displays the following columns:The lower grid displays the following:


Field Description
Assignment ID Identification number for the assignment attached to the transaction.
Batch ID Identification number for the batch associated to the transaction.
Bill Rate Rate at which the customer is being billed.
Bill To Name Name of the customer being billed.
Bill Unit The total number of hours being billed.
Check Number The identification number of the individual check being issued.
Department Name Name of the customer department associated with the transaction.
Employee Name Name of the employee associated with the transaction.
External ID Identification number from outside the supplier.
Item Bill The amount bill for a particular type of hours worked (i.e. regular hours, overtime hours, etc.)
Item Pay The amount paid for a particular type of hours worked (i.e. regular hours, overtime hours, etc.)
Job Position The specific position associated with the transaction.
Pay Rate Rate at which the employee is being paid.
Pay Unit Total number of hours of a particular type worked by the employee (i.e. regular hours, overtime hours, etc.)
Payee Name Name of the entity being paid.
Shift Name Name of the shift worked by the employee.
Short Name Nickname for a particular entity.
Site Name Name of the worksite location.
Sort Order Indicates the order at which a particular item is listed on the grid.
SSN Employee's Social Security Number.
Staffing Supplier Code Name of the staffing company.
Type Indicates the type of hours worked (i.e. regular hours, overtime hours, etc.)
Week Worked Indicates the pay period of the transaction.


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