Contact Documents


Updated 07/07/2021
Documents related to the contact can be stored and sent from the Contact > Documents section.

: With the exception of ".exe" and ".dll," most document file types may be uploaded to Avionté Documents pages.

Add a Document

  1. Choose the type of document you're attaching by selecting it from the drop-down menu of the bottom-most cell of Type column.
    Note: The options in this drop-down will be set by your site administrator

  2. Click the Upload button to search for the document to add to the contact.
    Once the document has been uploaded, the file name will be displayed in the File Name column.

  3. Add messages regarding the document in the Note column.

  4. Enter the date the document is set to expire by selecting a date from the date picker in the corresponding cell of the Expiration Date column.
    • The cells in the Date Entered column will auto-populate the date the document was put into the system.

    • The cells in the Entered By column will auto-populate the name of the user who entered the document into the system.



Display a Document

Click to display the document. 
This will open the document in a new window. 



Email a Document

If email integration has been setup for Avionté, click the icon to email the document. A draft email will populate and can be sent with address and subject fields populated.


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