Post a Job


Updated 11/19/2021


Once an order has been created, a user with add and edit permissions is able to view the order in the Posting section. The user may create and configure a job posting or multiple postings to fulfill the order's requirements.

Once a job is initially posted to a job board, subsequent jobs may be posted to different job boards. The initial job post process differs slightly when posting to a subsequent job board.  


Create a Job
Create Additional Jobs for an Order
Post a Job to a Job Board
Posting Filters
Boolean/Advanced Talent Search
    Field Searching
Filled/Unfilled Order Views



Create a Job

Before a job is posted to a board, the job must be created from the order.

The process to post a the first job differs slightly from creating additional postings. A Create Additional Jobs for an Order section follows this Post a Job section. 

  1. Navigate to the Posting area of the Avionté Web Platform. By default, the area displays order summaries.

  2. Search for the order for which a job will be created. 

  3. Click Create Posting next to the order that will be associated to the job board post.

  4. A job post posting properties interface displays. Information that was included in the order may already be populated in some of the fields. 

  5. Populate the fields according to these guidelines:
  6. Area Description

    The header area of the job post is auto-populated according to information installed to the order. Header data includes:

    • Job title
    • Order number
    • Order status
    • Customer name
    Summary text for job

    With a new posting, the Summary text section is blank by default.


    Click the pencil icon or the summary section to open an editing window and add a summary describing the position. This description should broadly describe the position. A detailed position description should be added in the Description text for job section below. 

    Click Done to save the changes and close the editing window.

    Description text for job

    With a new posting, this section is auto-populated with information provided in the order.


    Click the pencil icon to edit the information. The information should provide detail to the position including a description, skills recommended, and specific requirements for the position. 


    Click Done to save the changes and close the editing window.

    Job-related keywords (from order) This read-only section features keywords pulled from the order’s Competencies, Other qualifications, and Skills associated with the order.
    Posting properties

    The Posting properties area features some read-only, order information as well as fields used to edit post information.


    Read-only information:

    • Company - The name of the company where the candidate will work.
    • Employer - The name of the staffing company filling the position.
    • Branch - The branch of the order.
    • Posting ID - This is the order ID, with -1, -2 appended to the ID to indicate which post is currently selected. If the order has no postings, or is new and not saved, the value is blank.


    Editable fields:

    • Job title to post - A required field, with a new posting, the position title defaults according to the order, but can be edited. Data in the Job title to post field only affects the job posting title, not the title on the order. 
    • Job category - With a new posting, the Category defaults according to the order, but can be edited.
    • Job type - Indicates whether the job is Permanent, Temporary, Contract, etc.
      Note: This is an optional field, however if this field is not added, it could impact search results for applicants. 
    • Job address - A required field, the specific work site address should be entered into this field. With a new posting, this field will display the company's work site address if it is available in the company record. If the address is not defined in the company record, it will be blank by default. 
      Note: The job address must have AT LEAST a ZIP code and the ZIP code must be in a standard, 5-digit format.
    • Location to display on job board - Blank by default, this field is intended to be used for a city, a region, or general geographical description e.g. East Metro.  
      To make a job posting searchable on Google, enter a city and state/province in this field. See Make a Job Posting Searchable on Google - Add City and State to Location to display on job board Field for more information about making a job posting searchable on Google.
    • Pay range - A free-form text field that indicates the position's pay. Enter a dash between two values to input a range.
    • Application Workflow - A drop-down menu that indicates which workflow the applicant will see when applying for a specific job. The Quick Apply workflow will always be available, as well as any custom workflows that have been created, as long as they are set to "Active". The default workflow will be at the top of the drop-down menu, and will automatically source into each posting. This can be updated as necessary.
      For more information on application workflows, see the Admin - Job Application Workflows article for more information.
      • Note: Once the job posting has a status of "In Progress" or "Published," that workflow will never change unless it is manually set to something else. A change in the "Default" workflow will not affect job postings with those statuses.


    Click the Save button to save changes. Information changed in the Summary and Description areas to the left were saved as each of those areas were edited.



Create Additional Jobs for an Order

Additional posts can be created for an order. However, a newly created job post must be published before another job post can be created. 


Once the initial post has been published to a job board, additional features become available:

  • A status is shown in the order's header

    Status Description
    Live The number of posts currently published to a job board.
    In Progress Displays the number of postings that have been started and all or portions of the posting have been saved, but the posting has not yet been published to any job board.
    Removed The posting has been removed from ALL job boards.
  • All available posts are displayed horizontally.
    • The currently selected post is displayed in a color different than posts not currently selected.
    • If enough posts are created that all do not fit in one horizontal line, additional posts will be hidden, but available through a clickable icon.

  • A  icon becomes available so that additional posts may be created for an order.
    • Clicking the mceclip4.png opens a new post editing interface as described above in the Post a Job process.




Post a Job to a Job Board

The Job boards area of the Posting Properties panel features a selection of job boards available for job post publishing. The area indicates which job the post has been published to.



During the edit of any portion of a posting, or before the posting properties are saved, this area is disabled. This area becomes enabled once the properties have been saved through the job creation process. 


Job boards that appear as a white row with a Publish button to the left are boards that have not yet been published to. During an initial posting, all boards will appear this way. Once the Publish button for a job board is clicked, the post is immediately published to that board. The Publish button then changes to Unpublish and the row is shown with the blue selection pattern. The "posted on" date is also displayed and always displays the most recent posting date for each board – which can be different.


The Update posting dates button allows a user to update a post's publish date to inform seekers that the post is still relevant. Clicking the button updates the post to the current date on all published job boards.



Posting Filters

Job posters have the ability to filter a set of job postings that are currently in progress as well as job postings that have already been posted. 


In addition to a general keyword search, Avionté Web Platform users can search specific fields—for example, search for postings from a specific employer, or a specific Order ID.


After characteristic check boxes have been selected, click the Apply filters button to generate search results according to the selected filters.


Filters search results to only display jobs that were ordered by selected companies.

Job Title

Filters search results to only display Orders according to select job titles.


Filters search results to only display Orders according to the staffing agency that posted the job. 

Job Board

Filters search results to display jobs that have been posted to selected job boards.


Filters search results to only display postings that coordinates with a selected branch of the recruiting agency.


Filters orders according to their status on job boards - 

No postings - the order has not been posted

Live postings - the order is currently posted to a job board

Removed postings - the order was posted to a job board, but has been removed



Boolean/Advanced Talent Search

Boolean - also referred to as Advanced Search - is a type of text search that combines keywords with operators such as AND, NOT, and OR to refine search results. 


As an example, the phrase "alaska energy AND electrician" entered into the Talent search field will generate all Talent records containing both words.



Field Searching

An Avionté Web Platform page is made up of fields. The Postings area has specific names for its fields including "branch," "department." Additional field names are shown below in the Searchable Field Names table. To view all of the available fields, enter a colon (:) into the search field.


Specific searches can be performed by entering the field name > (no space) > colon > (space) > value. For instance, the phrase "branch: Minneapolis" entered into search will generate a list of Orders containing "Minneapolis" in the branch field. The field names are not case-sensitive and can be entered into the search field with or without capitalization. 



Searchable Field Description
branch The branch of the staffing company or recruiting agency to which the order is associated.
company The name of the company requesting the order.
companyID The unique ID associated with the company.
createdBy The name of the person who created the order.
department The department to which the order is associated.
employer The name of the employer that the order is associated with.
filledDate The date that the order was filled. The format of the date should be year-month-date. For example, 2016-10-03.
isFilled Whether the order has been filled - TRUE (or 1) for filled, FALSE (or 0) for open.
isPostedToAvionté Web Platform JobBoard Whether the order is currently posted to the Avionté Web Platform Job Board - TRUE (or 1) for posted, FALSE (or 0) for not posted.
jobDescription The description written to summarize the job.
jobTitle The title of the job as on the order sourcing from the Avionté core application.
openedDate The date the order was opened for fulfillment.
orderID The unique ID associated with the order.
status The current status of the order - Open, Expired, Filled, Completed, Deleted, or Partially Filled.
type The type of order record - Processed, Unprocessed, or Purged.




Filled/Unfilled Order Views

The "Include Filled Orders" checkbox allows users to filter search results depending on if an order has a status of filled or unfilled. By default the box is left unchecked and only unfilled orders will be visible.




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