The Talent Module is accessed by applying to a job on the job board.
Full Application process video
Step 1 Personal information
Duplicate Check
Step 2 Upload resume
iOS Devices
Step 3 Finish
Welcome back
Application already received for this job
Full Application process video
Creation of an account with login credentials is not required to apply for a job, however, a candidate must provide contact information including first name, last name, and an email address. When providing contact information, the candidate does have the option to be "remembered" (cookies) by the browser for a later return. A resume is not required to apply for a position.
In the simplified application process, the candidate applies to a particular job posting rather than making themselves generally available for hire.
Branding and color scheme of the applicant site follow the configuration of the job board that the job seeker is applying from.
Though parts of Avionté Web Platform are stylized in the Recruiter module's Admin section, the actual functionality in Avionté Web Platform - including the application steps in the Talent Module - cannot be changed.
Step 1 Personal information
Personal info collects a candidate's name and contact methods and offers the option to be remembered by the application when returning.
Field | Description | |
*First name |
The applicant’s first name. |
Middle name | The applicant’s middle name. | |
*Last name | The applicant’s last name. | |
*Email address | The applicant must enter a valid email address (e.g., | |
Phone number | The applicant’s phone number (e.g., 4015550195, 401-555-0195, (401) 555-0195, or 1-401-555-0195). | |
Remember me |
If checked, the system will remember the applicant's personal information for subsequent applications from this device.
If the required first name, last name, and email are completed, the applicant may click Next to proceed to the “Upload resume” page.
Duplicate Check
When an applicant enters data into the Personal information page, the information is checked against existing records (duplicate check). If a candidate applies with a first name, last name, AND email address that already exist (all three must match), the candidate will see a Welcome back! screen on which the candidate has the option to enter a verification code to confirm they are the same applicant, or click the Not me link to return to the Personal information page.
Step 2 Upload resume
The applicant may upload a resume (optional). Applicants can browse for the file, or simply drag and drop it into the resume area. Applicants can also copy and paste resume text into the resume area. If the applicant doesn’t want to upload a resume, the applicant can click Skip & submit application to proceed to the final acknowledgment page.
Accepted file types (up to 30MB)
Once the resume is uploaded, the file name appears in the resume area next to an icon. The resume can be removed by clicking the icon.
An applicant may not upload two files for a single job application. To use a second file in place of an initial upload, click to remove the first file, then upload the new file. |
iOS Devices
Apple doesn't store documents so, when using an Apple mobile device, additional steps are needed to upload a resume into Avionté Web Platform. You have to go get the document from wherever it's stored. When uploading a resume, an iOS device will prompt the user to extract the document from an external document management application like DropBox,, or GoogleDrive...whatever document manager is on the device.
When an iOS user clicks browse in Step 2 Upload your resume, they'll be prompted with the following sequence:
Step 1 |
Step 2 |
Step 3 |
Step 4 |
Step 5 |
Select a document manager. If an expected document manager isn't displayed, tap More to see if the app is turned off. |
The More menu displays additional apps. Tap the app's availability switch to change its status. |
Tap Done. The device will now access the document manager app. |
Credentials may be required to use the app. Follow the document manager app's instructions to log in. |
Once logged in, the app will list available documents. Tap a document to upload it to Avionté Web Platform. |
Step 3 Finish
On the Finish page, a message displays stating, “Thank you for applying! Your application has been received. You will be contacted soon!” This text can be edited in the Avionté Web Platform Admin tab.
The Continue job search button directs an applicant back to the job board from which they came or another designated URL (typically the company's home page.) |
The Exit button directs an applicant to the default address entered in the required Avionté Web PlatformAdmin tab. |
Welcome back
When applying for another position, the applicant is presented with the Step 1 Personal information page to fill in basic identity information.
If the applicant checked "Remember me" during a previous application and is now applying within 14 days of the last attempt, a Welcome back! screen is presented and the user's previously entered email address will receive an email with a verification code.
- The verification code expires after 60 minutes.
- The verification code may only be used once.
If the correct verification code is entered, the Upload your resume page is displayed. If an incorrect verification code is entered, an "Invalid verification code." message is displayed. The applicant can enter a new code or click the Back button.
Welcome back! screen
- Not [UserName]? Click here - A click returns the applicant to Step 1 Personal information page to enter personal information then upload a resume.
- Enter your verification code - This field is used to enter the verification code emailed to the applicant when they completed the previous step. Click Done after entering the verification code. The screen will advance to Step 2 Upload resume offering the option of uploading a replacement resume.
- Click here to send a new code - Click the link to send a new verification code to the applicant's email address. If the email is not received, the 14 day "Remember me" window may have expired or the email may be in the applicant's Spam folder.
Application already received for this job
If the application recognizes an applicant's data when attempting to re-apply for a position, an "Application already received for this job" message will display.
The Application already received for this job screen provides multiple options:
- Not [UserName]? Click here - A click returns the applicant to Step 1 Personal information page to enter personal information then upload a resume.
- Return to job board - A click returns the applicant back to the job board from which they came.
- Exit - Directs an applicant to the default address entered in the Avionté Web Platform Admin section.
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