Paycheck Correction Overview

This article is part of series that describes the considerations and processes when correcting a payroll check. 

Reissue a Paycheck

Reverse a Paycheck

Void a Paycheck

201 Webinar: Paycheck Corrections


If a problem has occurred with an employee's check, the issue can be corrected by voiding, reversing or reissuing that specific check. The action taken will depend on the check's current status (i.e. if the check is in hand, if the check is lost or damaged, or if the check has been deposited). It is important to note that if a check needs to be corrected, a corresponding invoice correction may need to be completed as well. This article covers processing paycheck corrections only. 


For instructions on processing an invoice correction, see the Invoice Corrections article. 

Reversing a paycheck will affect tax reporting in Avionté and Greenshades. The check date is used for tax reporting to accurately show when a check was cut and what taxes were processed with that check.
While it is important to review check dates when making payroll corrections, it isn't always necessary to correct the check date because totals balance out if checks were cut in the same reporting period (e.g. quarter, year, etc.) Payroll corrections from a previous reporting period (e.g. previous quarter, previous calendar year, etc.) can be back dated, however this will necessitate tax filing corrections and amendments for the previous year/quarter.
If back dating a check is necessary, consult Avionté Support before moving forward.
Note: The Advance Bank in the employee's record doesn't affect any reports until the new check/next check is processed for the employee.

Video Tutorial



Correction Methods

There are three types of payroll corrections- void, reverse and reissue. There are specific guidelines for when to use each type of check correction method. Choose the correction method that is applicable to the situation and see the corresponding articles for a step-by-step correction process.



The check should be voided if either you, or the employee has the check in hand. This means that the check has not been deposited, lost or damaged. Voiding the check will effectively cancel it, and it will not be able to be deposited. If the check is voided in Avionté, it may not be voided by your bank. Consult your bank to ensure the employee is not able to cash the check.


For more information on voiding a paycheck see the links to the following articles: 

Void Paycheck




If the check has been lost or damaged, it should be reissued. Example scenarios include if the check fell out of a wallet, was accidentally thrown away, if it went through the wash, then the check should be reissued because it cannot be deposited.


For more information on reissuing a paycheck see the links to the following articles: 

Reissue Paychecks




A check should be reversed if the money has been cashed or deposited via ACH. 


For more information on reversing a paycheck, see the links to the following articles: 

Reverse Paychecks 

Reverse a Paycheck with Transaction-Level Adjustments


Note: Use the Reverse a Paycheck with Transaction-Level Adjustments only if there were deductions included in Time Entry such as reimbursements, per diems, equipment deductions, etc.



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