Customer Back Office Setup - Billing Setup

For a selected customer, the invoice and billing options are defined in Back Office Setup in the Customer section. 





To get to the billing and invoice setup options:
  1. In the Customer section, search for and select the customer to work with.
  2. From the Customer sub-menu, expand Back Office Setup and select Billing Setup.


  3. Complete the three areas of the window as described below.
    Note: The locations of some of the fields on Billing Setup page have changed as of version 13.2, along with new fields added as noted in the 13.2/14.1 release notes. Also, as of version 13.2, the Invoice Preview pane is no longer available.

Set Invoice Options

  1. From the Invoice to Department drop-down menu, select the department to which the invoice will be sent.
    Note: The drop-down menu lists all departments associated with the current customer. If left blank, it will be sent back to sender.

  2. Set the following invoice options as needed, tabbing off each field to save changes:

    Field Description Additional Information
    Invoice Style Select the style to apply to this customer's invoice.

    If left blank it will be set to the value set in Config Choice: Invoice Setup > InvoiceStyle.

    If the Config Choice "IsPaymentTerms" is set to True, and the Report Definition category of Invoice has a selection for Default Payment Terms (in Admin Tools), then the Payments Terms dropdown list will populate with that selection (E.g., "Next 30 Days").

    A confirmation window will appear.

    Note: when updating the Invoice Style, the system will not retroactively apply the new payment terms to previous invoices.

    See also: Admin Tools: Config Choice - Table 63. InvoiceSetup > IsPaymentTerms

    Separate Invoice By Select the factors which will trigger separate invoices to be created. For example, if Department Name and Job Title are selected, a separate invoice will be created for each job title and department combination. Each separate invoice will be assigned a new invoice number. Separate Invoice by options include:  Day Worked, Assignment ID, BranchName, Department Name, Employee, Job Title, Max Invoice Amount, PO#, PO Number, ShiftName, StaffingOrderID, Supervisor, WeekWorked, Work Address
    Group Invoice By Select the entities to display as groups on the invoice. For example, if Job Title is selected, all employees with a given job title are displayed in a group on that invoice. When invoices are grouped based on certain criteria (like Branch Name and Department), the order in which you select these criteria determines the sequence of how the grouping is applied. If "Branch Name" is selected first and then "Department" the invoices will be grouped first by their "Branch Name" and the by "Department".
    Sort Invoice By Select the entities that determine the order in which the items on the invoice are listed. The selections should be made in the order in which you want the invoice to sorted by. As you make selections, the selections along with their order appear in the field's text box. If selecting "Employee" for sort, the result is a sort by employee LAST name.
    Display Items Check any additional items to display on an invoice.  
    Email Invoice To Enter the email address of a person responsible for receiving the invoice for this customer. If an email address is entered in this field, a confirmation message to send the email will appear after the invoice is printed while processing the billing for that customer. All invoices being funded by Scale Funding, formerly TCI Business Capital must be emailed to Scale Funding at Add this email address in this field to ensure delivery to Scale Funding. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma.
    Order Contact Role Place a check mark in each box corresponding to the role of the contact that would place and order on behalf of the customer. Multiple check boxes may be selected.   
    Include Past Invoice Choose Yes to include a past unpaid invoice with the current invoice, otherwise choose No.  
    Print Invoice If an email was entered above but the invoice is still to be printed, choose Yes to print the invoice upon processing, otherwise choose No. If invoices are printed and mailed to the customer, choose Yes and verify is populated in the 'Email Invoice To' field to ensure delivery to Scale for funding.
    Show Daily Hours Choose Yes to include daily hours on the invoice.  
    Show Time Card Choose Yes to include related time cards with the invoice when an invoice is viewed. Visit the Attach Timecards to Invoices help page for details.

    If invoices are to be funded by Scale Funding, select Yes to include with the invoice submittal to Scale.

    When set to Yes, the invoice can no longer be saved in the Excel format as only PDF format can be used when attaching a timecard image.



Show Web Time on Invoices

The standard invoice pulls timesheets from AviontéBold, if there are any, as well as Classic.

If you would like time entered by employees on the web to display on your invoices, Avionté uses a label in Customer > Extra to add this web data to the customer's invoices. Once added, a grid will display at the bottom of invoices that appears like this: 



Display web time in a grid at the bottom of a customer's invoice

  1. Navigate to the Customer > Extra section
  2. Select the Label of Show Web Data from the drop-down list
  3. Set the Value to Yes
  4. Tab off the line to save. You should see the Label and Value now move to the top of the screen.


If the Label of Show Web Data is not available in Customer > Extra

You can add a new Customer > Extra Label

  1. Navigate to Admin Tools > Config Choice
  2. Click Add New
  3. Select the Category of CustomerOrderExtra
  4. Enter "Show Web Data" as the Name and Description
  5. Check off branches in the Shared By list that should be able to use this label
  6. Click Save


  7. Navigate over to the Choice Property tab within Config Choice
  8. Select CustomerOrderExtra from the Category drop-down menu
  9. Check the Apply Changes to All Branches checkbox
  10. In the ChoiceCode column, filter to "Show Web Data"
  11. Scroll to the right until you locate the System Name column. Type "ShowWebData" in as the System Name and tab off the field to save. 
  12. A prompt will appear, confirming if you want to apply this change to all branches. Select Yes.
  13. In the Value List column, enter "Yes,No" and tab off the field to save.
  14. A prompt will appear, confirming if you want to apply this change to all branches. Select Yes.


Now, the Extra label of Show Web Data will be available in Customer > Extra to configure and enable users to add web time entry data to customers' invoices.



Set Statement Letter Options

The following options are related to the billing statement letter.

Note: The Statement Letter group options are available in Avionté version 13.2 and subsequent versions.


Field Description Additional Information
Include Finance Charges Check this option to apply finance charges and include them in the billing statement letter. When this option is checked, a confirmation request appears asking whether to assess finance charges retroactively. If you choose Yes, any invoices with a current outstanding balance will now also include finance charges, otherwise no finance charges are applied to outstanding invoices. For examples of how finance charges are calculated and applied, see Finance charge calculation examples. Finance charges are sometimes referred to as "late fees."
Increase Balance Amount Due If the Include Finance Charges option is selected, check this option to increase the invoice balance with any finance charges that apply.  
Finance Charge Percent If finance charges are being applied and the Include Finance Charges option is selected, enter the finance charge percent. For configuring the default value, see DefaultFinanceChargeRate.  
Finance Charge Percent Grace Period

A value, measured in days, that indicates how much time may pass before finance charges begin to apply following an invoice due date.

Config choice property = NoOfDays
Automatically Email Monthly Statements Choose this option to automatically email the billing statements on a monthly basis. The two options that follow must also be set.

If a payment is made to the invoice AFTER the statement letter has been generated, the invoice will be included in the statement letter and will be shown as "unpaid." 

For example: If a statement letter was sent out on 3/15 and a payment was made to the invoice on 3/16, the payment will not be reflected on the statement letter because the payment was added after the statement was generated.

Day Of Month To Send If the Automatically Email Monthly Statements option has been selected, enter the day of the month to email the monthly statements for this customer. Valid values are 1 - 31. If months are shorter than the value entered (for example in February when the day to send is 31), the last day of the month for the shorter month is used. For configuring the default value, see DefaultDayToEmailStatementLetter.  
Email Statements To Enter valid emails to which the billing statement is to be sent. Separate multiple email addresses with commas. These addresses are used when emailing statements automatically or manually.  



Set Billing & Scheduling Options

  1. From the Billing Period drop-down menu, select how often this customer will be billed.
    Note: Prior to version 13.2, this option was found in the Sales & Service page of the Customer section.

  2. From the Billing Cycle drop-down menu, select what week within the billing period the customer should be billed. For example, if your customer is billed monthly, the system needs to know which week of the month the transactions should be added to the Accounting Period to process billing.

    • For most billing periods, the options are 1, 2, 3, 4, and Last Week. The Last Week option will add the transactions to the Accounting Period that contains the last day of the month.
    • If the billing period is BiWeekly, the options are 1 or 2.
    • If the billing period is SemiMonthly, Weekly, or Yearly, the option is read-only and set to 1.

  3. From the Payment Terms drop-down menu, select the terms of payment to apply to this customer.

  4. If desired, a Max Invoice Amount can be set marking where an invoice should be divided.

    • No invoice will be larger than this amount.
    • It will not divide transactions but will move them to a new invoice if the invoice grows too large.
    • Invoices will be divided by max amount only after being divided by other selections.



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