Admin Tools: Certification Type

The Certification Type section in Admin Tools allows you to configure the certifications that appear in the Employee and Customer sections.



Certification Type

The certification admin tool section contains three tabs which control the creation and usage of employee certifications in Avionté. These three tabs all each linked to one of the three parts of a normal certification. The Certification Authority, which is the entity responsible for granting this certification. The certification category, which allows for certifications to be grouped and easily managed. And the Certification type, which describes the certification itself and allows for users to set permissions and requirements.

The Certification Type tab allows you to add or edit Certification Types.

  1. Click Add New to clear the fields in the lower half of the window.
  2. Complete the fields as necessary.
    • Category: Select the category from the drop-down menu.
    • Certification Name: Enter a display name for the certification. This field will populate into the Certification Type below.
    • System Name: Enter a system name for the certification to be used internally in reports.
      Note: If no value is added in here, this certification will not be tracked by AQs and reports.
  3. Add additional qualifiers by marking the provided check boxes.
    • Required on Employee: Mark if the certification should be required for employees.
    • Auto Insert for new employee: Mark if the certification should be inserted automatically for new employees.
    • Check for expiration: Mark if the certification should be checked for an expiration date.
    • Shared By: Select which users are able to view and use the certification.
  4. Once finished, click Save to add the certification to the upper grid.
  5. After the certification is saved, an issuing authority can be selected.
    • Certification Authority: Select the issuing authority for the certification.
      Note: The authority list populates from the Certification Authority tab

To edit a certification, select the desired certification from the grid. The fields in the lower half of the window will populate with the information. Update the information as needed, and click Save to update the certification.


Certification Authority

The certification authorities are used to determine the Issuing Authority of a certification. For example, MN would be the certification authority for a Minnesotan Driver's License.

  1. Click Add New to clear the field in the lower portion of the window.
  2. Enter the Authority's name.
  3. Click Save to add the authority to the upper grid.

To edit an authority, select the authority, and update the name as needed. Click Save to update the information.


Certification Category

Certification categories are used to organize your certifications.

  1. Click Add New. This will clear the fields in the lower portion of the window.
  2. Enter a name and description of the new category.
  3. Click Save to add the category to the upper grid.

To edit a category, select it from the upper grid. Update the fields as necessary, and click Save to update the category.


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