Admin - Talent Module Settings - Onboarding Tab


Updated 08/02/2021


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The Onboarding tab in Admin > Talent Module Settings serves as a selection tool that makes tasks, assessments, and E-Signature documents available for recruiters to send to talent. This article explains the Onboarding tab's role in activating the tasks, assessments, and E-Signature documents.


Assess on Cloud
E-Signature Templates
E-Signature Template Properties
Template Permission Levels
Add a Template


For details about the specific elements, visit their respective articles at:




In this example, an Admin has moved sliders to "On" and made those elements available for Recruiter use:

  • Assessments - Assess on Cloud
    • When this element is "On", a recruiter is able to assign a task from the Recruiter Module requesting an assessment completion. A candidate receives the task in the Talent Module.

  • E-Signature templates - 2017 Federal W-4
    • When this element is "On", a recruiter is able to assign a task from the Recruiter Module requesting the completion of a Federal W-4 form. A candidate receives the task in the Talent Module.




Assessments are measurement tools that a recruiter sends to talent so the recruiter can gauge what the talent knows. The Assessments area in the Onboarding tab features a list of assessments that can be activated for recruiter usage. The list of providers is available depending on customer agreements with those providers, i.e. - if a customer has an activated IBM account, the IBM Assess on Cloud slider can be moved from "Off" to "On." 



Assess on Cloud

As of the February 8, 2018 release Avionté partners with IBM to send Assess on Cloud employee assessments. Once the Assess on Cloud integration has been activated, the Talent Module Settings Onboarding tab is used to enable the feature for a recruiter's use.



E-Signature Templates

An E-Signature document is an electronic document sent from a recruiter to talent. Recruiters frequently send an electronic document to ask for employment information from talent - W4 tax information, I-9 employment eligibility information, or company handbooks, signatures - any document a recruiter may need to manage employee records. 



E-Signature templates are created in a customer's Adobe account. The process of managing documents in an Adobe article is documented in these articles:

When the name of an E-Signature template is clicked, its properties and permissions are available for editing.  



E-Signature Template Properties

Element Description
Template type A drop-down menu featuring Standard, Federal W-4, and I-9 categorizations. The selection made here tells the Avionté application how to process the incoming data from the form. 

A drop-down menu dictating how many signature fields will be available on a document template.

The I-9, which may require two or three signatures depending on the use of a 'preparer,' features additional steps for the preparer consideration. The 'I-9 with preparer' template is explained at the bottom of this table. 


Choose states

A field is only available when the W-4 form is the Template type, the Choose states field enables the selection of all states for which the template will be available. 

Enter the initials of each state for which the Federal W-4 will be used, then click the icon_-_plus_sign.png icon.

I-9 with preparer template

This field is only available when "I-9" is the Template type. A standard I-9 requires two signatures.


An I-9 completed with the help of a preparer (assistant) requires three signatures. Because of this, an Admin must select an I-9 form (2 signatures) and a Federal I-9 with Preparer form (3 signatures). When an I-9 Talent Task is sent to a talent, the talent will be prompted to state whether a preparer was used.


If "Continue" is clicked without entering an address, there was no preparer and Adobe offers the two signature I-9 to the talent.


If an email address is entered in the field and "Continue" is clicked, there was a preparer and Adobe offers the three signature form to the talent.

Reviewed by employer required When selected, the document will require a review in the Recruiter Module before the process is able to complete. 
Documents remain visible after completion Checking this box makes the selected document available for post-task viewing in the Talent > Profile > Documents area. 
Requires recruiter action first Checking this box ensures the document is managed by the recruiter before being sent to a talent. For example, a document may need to be personalized for a candidate before sending it out as a task. 



Template Permission Levels


Element Description
Copy from an existing template When more than one document has had template permission levels applied, subsequent documents copy the permissions setup of the first document. This is especially useful when an Admin is granting permission to multiple groups with varying permissions to a template. 
Add a group

Groups - which are created in Admin > Group Management - can be granted access to the document and given specific document interaction abilities. 

  • Send: Sends the E-Signature document as a Talent Task.
  • Finalize: Completes the recruiter's portion of the E-Signature verification process.
  • View: Opens the E-Signature document in a PDF format following the document's completion.
  • Delete: Deletes completed documents from the Recruiter Module.



Add a Template

The E-Signature templates section of the Onboarding tab is used to enable frequently used template documents for recruiter use. As an example, if a staffing agency is located in Wisconsin servicing local customers, that agency will frequently use a Wisconsin W4 form. An Avionté admin user will:

  1. Upload the Wisconsin W4 form to the user's Adobe account.

  2. Edit the document so it is unique to the staffing agency.
    1. Adjust fields so they are perfectly aligned to the Avionté application.
      • By doing this, the Avionté application is able to communicate accurately with the Adobe application. Any data entered into the Adobe document will be pulled into the Avionté application.
      • The field mapping spreadsheet is attached to this article

  3. Save the new document as a reusable template. The name of the template could be "XYZ Staffing - W4 Template" and would be sent to any new candidate for data collection. At that point, the newly created document might be named "XYZ Staffing - W4 - John Smith".

  4. Repeat the process for other W4 jurisdictions.


Visit the Talent Task - Set up a W-4 E-Signature Document with Adobe Sign article to view a walkthrough video and step-by-step instructions. 



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