"PO Number" and "PO #" Usage

The "PO #" refers to the purchase order number in the PO Management tab in Order Options and "PO Number" refers to the "PO Number" label in Order > Extra. Once these numbers are set up in Avionté, they can be used throughout the application, as outlined below. 

If a PO# has been entered in the PO Management tab, it becomes available to source into other areas of the application such as Order Detail, Time Entry and can be displayed on the invoice. The PO# can also be set to utilize DRMs and Counters.

The "PO Number" is added as an auxiliary item under Order > Extra. This information is independent and cannot be sourced into other fields. This can be a good option if the PO number is changed frequently or needs to appear on the invoice. It is not tied to any other information in the Avionté system.

Set the "PO #" and "PO Number"

The following steps outline how to set up the "PO #" and "PO Number" in Avionté.


Set Up "PO #"

The setup for the "PO #" occurs in the Order Options sub-menu under the PO tab.

The PO tab, found in Customer > Order Options, allows you to manage existing Purchase Order numbers, dates, values, limits and warning values. This section also allows you to review PO History of this Customer/Department. Using this section will allow you to have multiple PO's active for a Customer/Department at any given time.



Create a new PO with the "PO#"

For more information on creating a new PO Number and other options available on the Order > Options > PO Tab, see Customer Order Options.

  1. From the Main Menu, navigate to Front Office > Customer > Order Options

  2. Click Create New PO Number. The "Add/Edit Customer PO Number" window will display.

  3. Enter the purchase order number into the blank field. For more information on additional fields, see Customer Order Options.

  4. Click Finish when the necessary changes have been made.

Edit the "PO#" on a Pre-Existing Order: 

  1. From the Main Menu, navigate to Front Office > Customer > Order Options

  2. Click on the PO tab on the right side. The Purchase Order numbers are listed under the "PO Number" column. 

  3. To edit a PO number, click on the Arrow under the "Edit" column. The "Add/Edit Customer PO Number" window displays.

  4. Edit the "PONumber" field with the correct purchase order number.

  5. Click Finish when the necessary changes have been made.



Set Up "PO Number"

The setup for the "PO Number" is located under Order > Extra and can be set when creating a new order. The PO number should be created prior to the creation of any new orders that it should appear on to avoid having to edit orders later.

For more information, see Order Extra.

  1. From the Main Menu, navigate to Front Office > Order > Extra

  2. In the "Enter New Here" panel, click on the blank field under the "Label" column. 

  3. Select PO Number from the drop-down menu. 

  4. Enter the Purchase Order number in the "Value" column. 

    Note: This value is set as free text and will copy to each assignment. 
  5. When data has been entered, press the Tab button on the keyboard and the entry will be saved to the grid.  



Set Up Config Choice Properties and System Names

In order to automatically copy the PO# information to a corresponding assignment and/or order, the "Copy to Assignment" Config Choice, the "CopyToOrder" Config Choice and System Names need to be set up. 


CopyToAssignment and CopyToOrder Config Choices 

These config choices determine if the value for a specific piece of information, in this case it is the PO#, is going to be copied onto the assignment and order.

Both Config Choices needs to be "True" so that the "PO#" will be copied onto an assignment and order.



To set a the CopyToAssignment Config Choice: 

  1. From the Start Page, navigate to the Actions drop-down menu and select Admin Tools.

  2. Under "Category," click System and under "Select," click Config Choice. The "System|Config Choice" window will display.

  3. Click the Choice Property tab. 

  4. From the "Category" drop-down menu, select CustomerOrderExtra.

  5. From the "Select Branch" drop-down menu, select a branch that will receive these changes. Place a checkmark in the "Apply changes to all Branches" checkbox to apply the changes to all branches. 

  6. Under the "ChoiceCode" column, search for "PO Number" in the blank field. 

  7. In the "CopyToAssignment" and "CopyToOrder" columns, type "True" in both fields for the PO Number line item. 

  8. In the "System Name" column, type "InvoiceExtra" with a numeric value (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) after. The format should resemble InvoiceExtra1, InvoiceExtra2, etc.
    Note: You can only have each number for "Invoice Extra" used once (i.e. 1,2,3, 4, etc.) If "InvoiceExtra1" for two items, neither will appear on the invoice. To check to see what numbers are used, delete "PO Number" under the Choice Code column, and type "InvoiceExtra" into the System Name column. 

  9. Press Tab on your keyboard to save the changes.


Using  "PO #" and "PO Number" 

If the "PO#" and/or the "PO Number" has been set up, that information can now source into other areas of Avionté.



Customer Billing Setup

For more information on setting up "display items," see Customer Back Office Setup - Billing Setup.

Adding a PO Number/PO# Display Item

You can select the "PO Number" and/or the "PO #" to display on the invoice in the Customer Billing Setup area. 

  1. From the Main Menu, navigate to Front Office > Customer > Back Office Setup > Billing Setup

  2. From the "Display Items" drop-down menu, you can choose either "PO #" or "PO Number"

    Option Description
    PO # Sources from the purchase order number listed in Customer > Order Options 
    PO Number Sources from the purchase order number listed in Order > Extra
  3. After the correct selection has been made, press the Tab button on the keyboard and the information will be saved.


Display Items on Invoices

When a "Display Item" is chosen in Billing Setup, it will appear under each individual transaction type in the invoice. The location this information will appear on the invoice depends on how the invoices are separated/grouped. The invoices can be separated or grouped by the "PO number" or "PO #."


To group or separate an invoice: 

  1. From the Main Menu, navigate to Front Office > Customer > Back Office Setup > Billing Setup

  2. To separate invoices, select the drop-down menu under "Separate Invoice By" and select "PO Number."

  3. To group invoices, select the drop-down menu under "Group Invoice By" and select "PO Number."

If you have chosen to "Separate Invoice By" one of these options, the purchase order information will appear at the top of each invoice page: 

If you have selected "Group By," the purchase order information will appear above the respective group: 



PO Number and Order Detail

Once an order has been created, the "PO Number" can be added to the order. This information sources from the information added in Customer > Order Options. 

For more information on the Order Detail sub-menu, see Order Detail.

  1. From the Main Menu, navigate to Front Office > Order > Detail 

  2. From the field labeled "PO Number," you can select a pre-existing "PO#" that sources from the PO Management section located in Customer > Order Options > PO Tab

  3. When data has been entered, press the Tab button on the keyboard and the entry will be saved.



Time Entry

The "PO #" will populate into the time entry transaction and can be viewed in Time Entry > CardView. For more information on this screen, see Time Entry - Card View. Time Entry must be completed in order for the purchase order information to appear on an invoice. 

  1. From the Main Menu, navigate to Back Office > Time Entry

  2. Select an "Accounting Period" from the drop-down menu. 

  3. Click Show CardView. 

  4. Click on the Snapshot tab on the right side. 

  5. The "PO #" (set in Order Options) will populate in the "PO Number" field listed in the CardView. 

    Note: This is the last opportunity that the PO # can be changed if the transaction should be attributed to a different purchase order number.  



Counter and DRMs

The PO#, sourced from Order Options, can also function with Counters and DRMs. See the Counters and DRMs - Order help pages for more information.  

The Counter/DRM, "PO Warning", shows the PO# where the sum of the total bill for the orders associated with that PO# is greater or equal to the warning value as set on the original Purchase Order. 

The warning value can be assigned per PO# when creating or editing the Purchase Order. See the above steps in Create a New PO with the PO Number to access the "Add/Edit Customer PO Number" window and add a specific dollar amount into the "Warning Value" field.

For more information on counters and how to set them up, see Admin Tools: Counter.



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