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Assignment Detail

The Front Office > Assignment > Detail page displays an in-depth view of an order assignment that has been associated with an employee. 

A new assignment is created through the Order application.


Click on the links below for more information:



Basic Info Tab
Schedule Tab
More Info Tab
Pay/Bill History Tab



Basic Info Tab


Order Info section

Field Description
Employee The employee assigned to the order. Clicking the Jump To button on the far-right of the field navigates you to the employee's profile in the Employee section.
Customer Name of the current customer for the order. 
Department The name of the customer's department to which the employee has been assigned.
Job Title Title of the assignment's position.
Wc Code Workers Compensation code.
Order ID Identification number for the order to which the assignment is attached. Clicking the Jump To button on the far-right of the field navigates you to the Order section.
BOLD Job ID Identification number for the order to which the assignment is attached in the AviontéBOLD system. 
Assignment ID Identification number for the assignment. Clicking the Jump To button on the far-right of the field navigates you to the Assignment section.
BOLD Placement ID Identification number for the placement to which the assignment is attached in the AviontéBOLD system. 

Branch/Performance section

Field Description
Branch The supplier branch that is associated with the assignment.

A drop-down menu featuring performance codes that can be attributed to an employee on the assignment. The ConfigChoice property GenerateTransaction dictates whether the assignment will generate transactions in the Time Entry section of Back Office. For example, if a performance code has a ConfigChoice property setting of "True" in the GenerateTransaction column, the assignment will be included in Time Entry, etc.


While additional performance codes can be added via Admin Tools > ConfigChoice > Add New > Category = AssignmentPerformance_Temp, the Avionté application initially features a standard set of codes including "Completed," "Excellent," and "Fair."



Date section

Field Description
Start Date/End Date Displays the date that the employee began the assignment under the Start Date column, as well as the date the assignment concluded under the End Date column.
End Reason A drop-down menu offering options to explain why the employee's assignment at the customer ended.



Rate section

The MarkUp field displays the current overtime plan in use by the customer. The grid in the Rate group allows users to select the type of pay they wish to display as well as the respective variety of rate. Rates in this grid can be edited simply by clicking on the cell and updating the data contained therein. To add an entry to the grid:
  1. Select the type of rate from the drop-down menu in the bottom-most cell of the Type column.

  2. Enter the rate of pay into the Pay column.

  3. Enter the bill rate into the Bill column.



Overtime (OT) Plans section

CLASSIC has the ability to add an OT Plan (other than Federal) at the Assignment level. This enables additional synchronization between the front and back office, regarding where OT plans are set.

The sync that comes across will handle OT plans in addition to the federal one.


When creating a New Assignment, the OT Plan is displayed in the Other Info section. A selection will automatically be pulled from the order, but this can be changed through the OT Plan dropdown list within the New Assignment window.

When running Time Entry, the OT Plan used in the Assignment will be pulled in (Card View).


The OT Plan is also available as a column in the Assignment search. Search results for Assignments will have the OT Plan included.


The OT Plan is also available in Quick Place, if that is used. Users have the ability to make Assignments using Quick Place. Again, OT Plan is available in the New Assignment window via a dropdown. It is also available in the Repeat Assignment window.


The OT Plan is also available in the web portals, for clients that use time entry there. This does not apply to Group Time, since Group Time processes on an Order level instead of an Assignment level.



User section

The User group grid displays the roles for the assignment as well as the user attached to them. New roles and users can be added to the grid by:

  1. Select a user type for the bottom-most cell of the User Type column.

  2. Select the user that matches that type from the adjacent cell of the User column.



Navigation section

The Navigation group allows you to cycle between the assignments attached to the customer by clicking on the arrows in the group.




Schedule Tab

The Schedule tab of the Assignment item records the start and end dates of a particular assignment as well as the associated rates of pay and billing.


The cells of the Pay and Bill can be updated to reflect changes to those rates by clicking on the desired cell and making alterations to the generated data.


The assignments to which the Employee is currently assigned will be marked as "IsActive".



More Info Tab

The More Info tab of the Assignment records shift and messaging information for the assignment.


Date section


Select or enter the name of the shift to be worked on this assignment.


The adjacent fields are used to enter the start and end time of the daily shift and the days that shift is active can be selected below that.



Calls section


Placing a check mark in a box will prompt a message reminder and associate the assignment with the corresponding counters (Arrival Call, Second Day Call, Weekly Call, and Ending Call.)

When the message is completed, it will be associated to the user's Second Day Counter providing a reminder to call the Site Manager Dan and ask how it's going after Anthony's first day.


Assignment Info section

Assignment Type A value describing the assignment in the staffing agency's terms. The value is selected when the assignment is created in Order > Actions > Assign New. 
Split Plan A drop-down menu of options indicating the type of split plan (transaction revenue shared between staffing agency branches) for the assignment. 
Agency Designates the agency supplying the employee.
W2 Indicates if a W2 is required.

Pay section

Pay Basis 

Some states, including Minnesota and Washington, require that paychecks designate the type/frequency of pay associated to the check.


Select from options such as "commission" or "salary" to designate the type of pay displayed on the paycheck associated to the assignment. 


Notes section

Notes A free-text field used to record assignment-related messages. The text only displays in this area. 

Pay/Bill History Tab

The Pay/Bill History tab records the payment and billing information for the assignment.
The Transaction History grid can be updated by selecting different assignments from the Assignment tab at the bottom of the window. The Transaction History grid displays makes available the following through its field chooser:

Field Description
Bill Rate The rate which the customer is being billed.
Bill Unit Total number of hours being billed.
Item Bill Total amount being billed to the customer.
Item Pay Total pay for this assignment for this pay period.
Name The name of the type of hours being recorded.
Pay Rate The rate at which the employee is being paid.
Pay Unit Total number of hours being paid out.
WeekWorked The date that the work week ended for the pay period.




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