Assignment Schedule Roster Wizard


Updated 11/19/2021
The Assignment Schedule Roster wizard can be accessed by double-clicking on a row from the grid on the Roster item of the Customer section.

There are four groups of data that are available on the Assignment Schedule Roster wizard. 

Populate the fields in each group according to these definitions:



Customer Group

The information on the Customer Group is not editable. The fields auto-populate with existing customer information.

Customer Name The name of the customer.
Department Name The name of the customer's department attached to the order.
Customer ID Unique identification number associated to the customer.



Assignment Info Group

Performance Indicates how well the employee has achieved the goals of the assignment.
Hours Total number of hours worked by the employee during the week.
Job Title Name of the position held by the employee.
Wc Code Workers Compensation code.
Order ID Unique identification number for the order.
Assignment ID Identification number for the order.
Start Date Date that the assignment began.
End Date Date that the assignment was completed.
Shift Name  The name of the shift worked by the employee (i.e. first, second, third, etc.)
Pay Rate Rate at which the employee is being paid.
Bill Rate Rate at which the customer is being billed.
Week Displays the end date for the week worked.



Employee Group

The Employee group is not editable. The fields auto-populate with existing employee information.
Employee Name Name of the employee.
Employee ID Identification number for the employee.
SSN The employee's Social Security Name.

Assignment Daily Attendance Codes

Day Displays the day of the week.
Attendance Code Select an option from the drop-down menu to indicate the status regarding the employee's attendance on assignment.
Hour Indicates the number of hours the employee worked on a given day.


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