Name | Severity | Displayed Message | Description | Fixed from... |
drm_OrderMarkUpCheck | Warning | Order is linked to a markup that is not active. | Will trigger if the order has a markup selected that is not an active markup. | Admin Tools > System > Markup |
drm_OrderShiftCheck | Warning | Order is linked to a shift that is not active. | Will trigger if the order has a shift selected that is not an active shift. | Order > Detail > More Info > Shift |
drm_OrderUserCheck | Warning | Order is linked to a user that is not visible. | Will trigger if there is a temp order linked to a user is not visible. | Admin Tools > Employer > User |
drm_DhOrderCheckActiveCustomer | Severe | Customer status will not allow you to place an order. | Will trigger if the customer status is not Active. | Customer > Detail > Customer Other > Status |
drm_DhOrderCheckRootCustomer | Warning | Customer is the root customer. | Will trigger if the customer is the root customer and the order is a DH order. | Customer > Department Name |
drm_CheckFeeAmount | Severe | Total scheduled billed amounts is not equal to the DH fee amount. | Will trigger if the fee amount for a DH order is not equal to the sum of the total bill and the placement fee. | Contact System Administrator |
drm_OrderRequirementCheck | Warning | Order requires that the employee has this requirement {0}. | Will trigger if the employee doesn't have all the requirements set for a DH order. | Employee > Requirements |
drm_CustomerCreditLimitCheck | Warning | Outstanding AR balance is greater than the customer credit limit. | Will trigger if the customer AR balance amount is greater than the credit limit warning value. | Customer > BackOffice Setup > Credit > Customer Credit > Credit Limit |
drm_CustomerOrderSupplierCheck | Warning | Supplier of the order is different from the supplier of the customer. | Will trigger if the customer and order belong to different suppliers. | Customer > Detail > Customer Other > Branch,Order > Detail > Order Info > Branch |
drm_CustomerRootCustomerCheck | Warning | Customer is the root customer. | Will trigger if the customer is the root customer. | Customer > Department Name |
drm_CustomerStatusCheck | Warning | Customer status will not allow you to place an order. | Will trigger if the customer status denotes that orders can not be placed. | Customer > Detail > Customer Other > Status |
drm_OrderStateCheck | Warning | Customer status will not allow you to place an order. | Will trigger if the WC code state is not the same state given for the order's address. | Customer > Detail > Customer Other > Status |
drm_RequireSalesTaxCheck | Warning | Customer address selected on the order does not have the sales tax setup. | Will trigger if the state requires sales tax and the order address doesn't have sales tax selected. | Customer > Address > Address > Sales Tax |
tbv_OrderPONumberWarningValueCheck | Warning | PO Warning Limit has been reached. | Will trigger if the total bill is greater or equal to the PO warning value. | Order > Detail > More Info |
drm_CustomerActiveUserCheck | Warning | There are inactive users for this customer. | Will trigger if there is a inactive customer linked to an order. | Admin Tools > Employer > Users |
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