DRMs Time Entry

The following are Data Requirement Messages (DRMs) that may display during time entry.


The Severity and Displayed Message fields for each DRM can be updated. The DRMs listed below are the DRMs that come standard with Avionté. This list does not include any custom DRMs.

Name Severity Displayed Message Description Fixed from...
tbv_CheckForContractorSickLeave Warning The W2 employee has a contractor sick leave plan active.

The plan does not appear on employees with state plans.

Is not entered automatically or calculate on non-W2 employees.

Contact System Administrator
tbv_EmployeeDailyHours OverDailyLimit Warning This employee has over {0} regular hours (based on their overtime plan) for the date {1}. Will trigger if the Daily Hours are greater than the OT Plan's property OTAfterDailyHoursWorked. Contact System Administrator
tbv_EmployeeDailyHours OverEight Severe Employee has over 8 Regular hours for this date worked. Will trigger if the daily hours are greater than the OT Plan's property OTAfterDailyHoursWorked. Contact System Administrator
tbv_EmployeeHoursOver Fourty Warning This employee has over 40 regular hours for this week worked. Will trigger if the sum of the Reg hours is greater than 40 hours per week worked, 44 hours for Ontario, CA. Contact System Administrator
tbv_EmployeeHoursOver FourtyForAccountingPeriod Warning This employee has over 40 regular hours for this Accounting Period Will trigger if the sum of the Reg hours is greater than 40 hours per accounting period date, 44 hours for Ontario, CA. Contact System Administrator
tbv_EmployeeHoursOver RegLimitForAccountingPeriod Warning This employee has over {1} regular hours (based on their overtime plan) for this accounting period. Will trigger if the Reg hours are greater than the property value for the OTAfterWeeklyHoursWorked per accounting period. Contact System Administrator
tbv_EmployeeHoursOver RegLimitForWeekWorked Warning This employee has over {1} regular hours (based on their overtime plan) for this week worked. Will trigger if the Reg hours are greater than the property value for the OTAfterWeeklyHoursWorked per week worked. Contact System Administrator
tbv_RegHoursOverLimitFor Transaction Warning This employee has over {1} regular hours (based on their overtime plan) for this transaction. Will trigger if the Reg hours are greater than the property value for the OTAfterWeeklyHoursWorked per transaction. Contact System Administrator
tbv_RegularHoursOverFourty Warning Transaction has regular hours greater than 40. Will trigger if the Reg hours are greater than 40 hours, 44 hours for Ontario, CA per transaction. Contact System Administrator
tbv_PayrateBelowFederal MinimumWage Severe Transaction has payrate below federal minimum wage (5.85). Will trigger if the Reg, OT or DT pay rate is less than $7.25. Contact System Administrator
tbv_RegPayrateBelowState MinimumWage Warning Transaction has REG payrate below state minimum wage. Will trigger if the Reg pay rate is lower than the minimum wage for that state based on what is in the Admin Tools. Admin Tool > Employer > Locality/Country
tbv_ACAEligibilityCheck Warning Employee is missing a valid ACA eligibility. Will trigger if the employee is missing the ACA eligibility or has undetermined status. Contact System Administrator
tbv_CheckForMissingConfig WcCodeID Severe Transaction is missing the worker comp code. Will trigger if the temp order doesn't have a WC code. Order > Detail
tbv_CheckForValidConfig WcCodeID Severe Worker comp code in the transaction does not belong to the same supplier. Will trigger if the transaction belongs to one supplier and the WC code belongs to a different supplier. Admin Tools > Employer > Wc Code
tbv_CheckForWcCodeRate Warning Worker comp code doesn't have a valid rate setup. Will trigger if the WC code doesn't have a current rate. Admin Tools > Employer > Wc Code
tbv_CheckForBranchStatus Severe Based on the branch property ProcessTransaction, this branch shouldn't have any transactions in time entry. Will trigger if the branch has been set as inactive and the branch has transactions. Admin Tools > Employer > Branch
tbv_CheckForCustomer CreditLimit Warning The customer credit limit is over its warning value. Will trigger if the total AR Balance amount of all invoices linked to any department under the root customer exceeds the credit limit warning threshold setup for the root customer. Customer > Back Office Setup > Credit
tbv_CheckForCustomer PropertyStatus Warning Customer status requires transaction to be verified. Will trigger if the customer has been marked for verification during time entry. Contact System Administrator
tbv_CheckForCustomer Status Warning There are Transactions whose Customer cannot place order due to Customer Status. Will trigger if the customer has been restricted from placing orders. Contact System Administrator
tbv_CheckForDailyPay Transaction Severe There are Transactions whose GeneratedDailyHours is True but daily hours are missing. Will trigger if the transaction is setup to do daily hours but the daily hours weren't entered. Time Entry > Card View > Day
tbv_CheckForEmployee DirectDepositSetup Warning Employee does not have a valid active direct deposit setup. Will trigger if the employee doesn't have direct deposit setup or has errors with its setup. Employee > Payroll > Direct Deposit
tbv_CheckForExpiring Certifications Warning This employee has an expired certification. Will trigger if the employee has any certifications where expiration date is missing or expired. Employee > Certifications
tbv_CheckforMissingBenefit Setup Severe Employee has an active deduction or employer contribution, but no associated active contribution/deduction. Will trigger if the paycheck has one side of the employee benefit setup but not the other side. They need both the employee deduction and employee benefit setup. Employee > Payroll > Benefit
tbv_CheckForMissing EmployeeTax Warning There is no Tax Record for Employee and the system will create default taxes for them. Will trigger if the employee doesn't have any tax records setup. Employee > Payroll > Tax
tbv_CheckForMissingPay PeriodConfigChoiceID Warning Transaction is missing the pay period. Will trigger if the transaction doesn't have a pay period. Order > Detail
tbv_CheckforMissingSSN Warning Employee is missing or has an invalid SSN. Will trigger if the transaction is a W2 transaction and the employee is missing the SSN. Employee > Detail
tbv_CheckForOffWeek BiweeklyTransaction Warning This biweekly transaction is in its off week and will not select into Payroll or Billing batches this accounting period. Will trigger if there are BiWeekly transactions that will not get paid or billed this week since it’s the off week. Employee > Detail > Pay Period
tbv_CheckForSalesTaxSetup Severe Worksite address missing sales tax. Please add the sales tax to the worksite address. Will trigger if the transaction work site address is in CT, WA, PA or OH but doesn't have sales tax setup on the address.

Order > Detail > Address

Admin Tool > Employer > Tax

tbv_CheckForTotalDays Worked Severe The total number of days worked must be entered. Will trigger for any transactions that has no days worked for the Canada provinces in the config option CanadaProvincesRequiringDaysWorked. Contact System Administrator
tbv_CheckForW2Or1099Mismatch Warning There are (0) transactions for a (1) employee This DRM is to notify users if there is a mismatch between the W2 checkbox on the employee and the transaction.  Employee > Detail
tbv_CheckForWorksite GeoOTPlanMismatch Warning OT was not processed due to worksite country and/or state not matching the chosen OT plan, please contact support. Will trigger if the transaction has an OT plan setup that is not setup for that worksite state address. Contact System Administrator
tbv_CompareTransaction WorkStateToOTPlanStateCode Warning Worksite address state does not match with its OT plan's. Verify correct OT Plan is selected. Worksite address state does not match the state's overtime plan. Verify that the correct overtime plan is selected. Contact System Administrator
tbv_BillUnitWithNoBillRate Warning Transaction has bill unit but no bill rate. Will trigger if the transaction has a bill unit and no bill rate. Assignment > Detail > Pay/Bill History
tbv_CheckDailyPayBillUnit Difference Severe "There are Transactions whose daily pay unit is different than daily bill unit." Will trigger if the transaction daily total hours are not equal to bill total hours. Assignment > Detail > Pay/Bill History
tbv_CheckPayBillUnit Difference Warning Transaction has pay unit different than bill unit. Will trigger if the transaction has pay unit but doesn't equal the bill unit. Assignment > Detail > Pay/Bill History
tbv_PayUnitWithNoPayRate Warning Transaction has pay unit but no pay rate. Will trigger if the transaction has pay units but pay rate = 0. Assignment > Detail > Pay/Bill History
tbv_TotalBillAndNoTotalPay Warning Transaction doesn't have a Total Pay. Will trigger if the transaction has item bill but no item pay. Assignment > Detail > Pay/Bill History
tbv_TotalPayAndNoTotalBill Warning "Transaction has Total Pay but no Total Bill." Will trigger if transaction has item pay but no item bill. Assignment > Detail > Pay/Bill History
tbv_DTPayRateConflict Warning The Transaction has DT Pay rate less than the federal required. Will trigger if the DT pay rate is not twice the amount of the Reg pay rate. Assignment > Detail
tbv_DTPayRateGreater ThanDTBillRate Warning Transaction has DT pay greater or equal DT bill rate. Will trigger if the DT pay rate is greater or equal to the DT bill rate. Assignment > Detail
tbv_EmployeeTypeCheck Warning The employee is missing a valid "employee type." The "employee type" has not been designated for the employee. Contact System Administrator
tbv_MissingStaffing SupplierAddress Severe There is no address for Staffing Company. Will trigger if the supplier doesn't have an address. Contact System Administrator
tbv_OTPayRateConflict Warning The Transaction has OT Pay rate less than the federal required. Will trigger if the OT pay rate is less than Reg pay rate * config option DefaultOTFactor. Contact System Administrator
tbv_OTPayRateGreater ThanOTBillRate Warning Transaction has OT pay greater or equal OT bill rate. Will trigger if the OT pay rate is greater than or equal to the OT bill rate. Contact System Administrator
tbv_RegPayRateGreater ThanRegBillRate Warning Transaction has Reg pay greater or equal Reg bill rate. Will trigger if the Reg pay rate is greater than or equal to the OT bill rate. Contact System Administrator
tbv_PossibleDuplicate EntryForAssignment Warning This assignment has hours in another time entry batch. Will trigger if the employee has another transaction for the same week worked in another time entry batch. Employee > Assignment
tbv_CheckForMissing EmployeeAddress Severe Transaction missing Employee Address. Will trigger if the resident GEO code is missing or if the employee doesn't have an address. Employee > Detail
tbv_CheckForMissing WorkGeoCode Severe There is no Work GEO code for this Transaction. Please update the worksite address and update transaction. Will trigger if the work GEO code is missing. Order > Detail
tbv_CheckForMultiple StaffingSupplier Severe There are transactions from multiple staffing suppliers. Will trigger if there are multiple suppliers transactions in the time entry batch. Time Entry > Select Branch
tbv_CheckForTransaction Branch Severe The employee {0} has a transaction under the supplier {1} but is in time entry for supplier {2}. Will trigger if the transaction belongs to a branch and the time entry batch belongs to a different supplier than the supplier that the transaction belongs to. Time Entry > Select Branch
tbv_VerifyingSupplier Warning There are transactions whose [record types] are in different staffing supplier. Will trigger when the suppliers don't match for the different entities. Time Entry > Select Branch
tbv_CheckEmployee TransactionSupplierMismatch Warning Stop users from processing transactions where the employee's Supplier is not the transaction's Supplier. Will trigger if the employee and transaction are from different suppliers. Time Entry > Select Branch
tbv_CheckForUnPaid EquipmentDeductions Warning There are equipment deductions that are not processed. Will trigger if there are equipment deductions that haven't been processed. Contact System Administrator
tbv_CheckForZeroWc CodeRate Warning WC Code has 0% rate setup for current date. Will fire on time entry batch verification when a Worker Comp rate is 0 and is active for the date range of the accounting period. Admin Tools > Employer > WC Code tab
tbv_OvertimeIncluding NonDiscretionaryBonus Warning Review transaction weighted overtime rates (non-standard transaction type included in weighted rate calculation). It gathers transactions, in the batch being verified, that have a transaction type with a Vertex CMP code of "Bonus"  but have IsDiscretionaryBonus = 0. 
Then it looks through those transactions and finds the ones that have OT or DT hours. 
If a transaction has OT or DT hours and contains a transaction type that is categorized as a bonus and is classified as non-discretionary, it will be listed in Time Entry Batch errors with a warning.
Time Entry > Employee > Transaction
tbv_AccrualPlanUsedAfterEndDate Warning  Employee has depleted hours for {0}, which has an end date on or before the end of the current accounting period. Please confirm the accrual plan setup. Will trigger if the Accrual Plan End Date is on or before the end of the current accounting period, indicating that the accrual plan is ending. Employee > Payroll > Accrual
tbv_ValidateEmployeeSIN Warning  The employee has a missing or invalid Social Insurance Number (SIN)

Enhanced audit logging has been added to verify Canadian Social Insurance Numbers [SIN] using the Luhn algorithm. This Time Entry DRM will warn the user when there are missing or invalid Social Insurance Numbers.

Will trigger if the employee's SIN is missing [Blank] or Invalid [against the Luhn Algorithm].

This DRM is inactive by default and must be activated to be used.

Employee Detail Personal Information
tbv_CheckForZeroSin Warning  Employee SIN is setup as zeros

Will trigger if the employee's SIN is defined as "000 000 000".

This DRM is inactive by default and must be activated to be used.

Employee Detail Personal Information
tbv_CheckForZeroRateOnDefault Warning  Transaction contains types that are configured to default to Reg Rate that currently have no Pay Rate.

This DRM will provide the user a warning if their Default Regular Rate transaction type has a zero pay rate value in Time Entry > Sheetview.

If the user has a Transaction Type configured with the selection of Default Regular Rate, and the pay rate has a zero value in Time Entry Sheetview [most commonly to occur with imports], the user will be notified of the zero pay rate value for those transaction types.

Will trigger during Close Batch if the Transaction Type configuration is Apply Reg Rate and there is a zero value in the Pay Rate.

This DRM is inactive by default and must be activated to be used.

Time Entry > enter Pay Rate


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