DRMs Payroll


Name Severity Displayed Message Description Fixed from...
pbv_CheckForBenefitPlan DateSetup Warning The date range for deductions and contributions in this batch do not match the current accounting period. Will trigger if deductions and contributions are selected that don't fall under the current accounting period. Contact System Administrator
pbv_CheckForMissingBenefit Setup Severe Employee has an active deduction or employer contribution, but no associated active contribution/deduction. Will trigger if the paycheck has one side of the employee benefit setup but not the other (i.e. deductions and benefits). Employee > Payroll > Deduction/Contribution
pbv_CheckForMissingPayeeName Severe Each Payment Check must have payee name Will trigger if the paycheck doesn't have a payee name. Contact System Administrator
pbv_CheckForMissingResident GeoCode Severe There is no Resident GEO code for this Transaction. Will trigger if there is a W2 transaction that doesn't have a resident GEO code. Payroll > Transactions
pbv_CheckForMissingSignature Severe The Payment Bank does not have signature setup. Will trigger if the payment bank selected on the payroll batch is missing the signature image. Contact System Administrator
pbv_CheckForMissingWork GeoCode Severe There is no Work GEO code for this Transaction. Will trigger if there is a W2 transaction that doesn't have a work GEO code. Contact System Administrator
pbv_CheckForMultipleTxns WithDifferentBranches Warning This biweekly transaction is in its off week and will not select into Payroll or Billing batches this accounting period. Will trigger if the employee has transactions relating to multiple branches in the same payroll batch. Contact System Administrator
pbv_CheckForNegativeWages Warning Employee {0} has negative wages. Will trigger if the sum of the selected payments are less than 0. Contact System Administrator
pbv_CheckForPossiblePayment BankIDConflict Warning There are Transaction Records that do not match the Bank ID selected for this batch. Will trigger if the transaction branch doesn't have access to the payroll bank that is selected. Contact System Administrator
pbv_CheckForTaxExemption Issue Severe All Employee and Employer FICA and MEDICARE taxes must be exempt or not exempt for this Employee. Will trigger if the employee has some of the FICA or MED taxes exempt but doesn't have all of the then required FICA EE and ER and MED EE and ER taxes exempt. Employee > Payroll > Tax
pbv_CheckForTotalPayToGross Wages Severe TotalPay doesn't equal GrossWages, please contact support. Will trigger if the sum of the total pay minus adjustments do not equal the gross wages for a transaction. Contact System Administrator
pbv_CheckPayeeInCertified PayrollCombination Severe Employee has some transactions flagged as certified payroll and some that aren't, you can't process both on one check. Will trigger if an employee has multiple transactions and some are for certified payroll and some aren't. Contact System Administrator
pbv_CheckPayeeInMultiple Batches Warning Payee is in another active payroll batch {Batch ID}, please post or discard the other batch or remove this payee in this batch before moving on. Will trigger if the employee has transactions in another active payroll batch. Payroll > Home > Actions > Discard Batch/Post
pbv_CheckPayeeInMultiple Provinces Severe Employee has worked in multiple provinces. Separate checks must be issued for each province. Will trigger if the employee has multiple transactions with work site addresses in different provinces. Contact System Administrator
pbv_CheckPayeeInMultiple StateWorkGeoCode Severe Employee has transactions for multiple states. Separate checks must be issued for each state. Will trigger if the employee has multiple transactions with work site addresses in different states. Contact System Administrator
pbv_CheckPayeeInMultiple WeekWorked Warning Employee has transactions with multiple weeks worked. Will trigger if the employee has multiple transactions (bi-weekly transactions are excluded) within the same payroll batch with different week worked. Contact System Administrator
pbv_CheckPayeeTransaction WithW2Combination Severe Both W2 and non W2 transactions can't be processed on the same check. Will trigger if the employee has a combination of W2 and non-W2 transactions in the same payroll batch. Contact System Administrator
pbv_CheckPayeeInMultiple AccountingPeriods Warning Payee is in multiple Accounting Periods Will trigger if the employee has multiple transactions (bi-weekly transactions are excluded) within the different accounting periods. Contact System Administrator
pbv_CheckPayeeInMultiple PayPeriods Severe The Employee has Transactions for multiple Pay Period. Will trigger if the employee has multiple transactions with different pay periods within the same payroll batch. Contact System Administrator
pbv_CheckForQuebecWorksite Severe Employee has a worksite in Quebec. Avionté does not support tax filing or calculations for Quebec. Will trigger if the worksite is in the province of Quebec for an employee being processed through a payroll batch. The severity cannot be changed. Contact System Administrator
pbv_CheckForMissingExemption Amount Warning Either Exemption Amount for Federal Tax or Province Tax is zero N/A Contact System Administrator
ppv_CheckEmployeeBank SetupError Warning Employee has bank setup error. The system will cut a live check until the errors are fixed. Will trigger if the employee has any errors related to the direct deposit setup. Contact System Administrator
ppv_CheckForAccurateCheck Count Warning Count of checks calculated for this batch does not match with the count in transaction, please contact support. Will trigger if the number of checks from AP and Transaction do not equal the number of checks that should be in this payroll batch. Contact System Administrator
ppv_CheckForCAMandatoryTax Warning Tax type {0} is missing from the check. Will trigger if a check is missing the mandatory Canadian taxes. Payroll > checks
ppv_CheckForCustomer CreditLimit Warning There are Payment Check Records whose Customer Credit Limit has approached its warning value.

Will trigger if the total AR Balance amount of all invoices linked to any department under the root customer exceeds the credit limit warning threshold setup for the root customer.

Customer > BackOffice Setup > Credit > Customer Credit > Credit Limit

Information on the Credit Limit

ppv_CheckForCustomerPEO Severe Customer PEO billing has not been properly setup, please verify the PEO setup. Will trigger if the customer has PEO billing set to active but hasn't setup PEO. Set to Active: Customer > Sales & Service > Service Info

Setup: Customer > PEO

ppv_CheckForCustomerStatus Warning There are Payment Check Records whose Customer cannot place order due to Customer Status. Will trigger if the customer status has the property CanPlaceOrder = False. Contact System Administrator
ppv_CheckForEmployee BenefitFlag Warning Employee has employer contributions {BenefitName} that have been set to be flagged during payroll. Will trigger if the employee benefit has been setup to flag during payroll. Employee > Payroll > Contribution
ppv_CheckForEmployee DeductionFlag Warning Employee has deductions {DeductionName} that have been set to be flagged during payroll. Will trigger if the employee deduction has been setup to flag during payroll. Employee > Payroll > Deduction
ppv_CheckForEmployee DNA Severe There are Payment Check Records whose employee status is DNA. Will trigger if that employee/customer is on the Do Not Assign list. Payroll > Checks

Employee > Detail > Hiring Data > Current status

ppv_CheckForESCDeduction FullAmount Warning Deduction {DeductionName} is not for the full amount. Will trigger if the deduction amount is not the full amount and the deduction belongs to a deduction category like ESC. Contact System Administrator
ppv_CheckForGrossAmount AndGrossWages Severe Gross wage on the check doesn't equal the transaction(s) gross wages, please contact support. Will trigger if the sum of the transactions gross wages is not equal to the paychecks gross wages. Contact System Administrator
ppv_CheckForGrossToNetTotal Severe Gross wages minus taxes minus deductions doesn't equal the net amount, please contact support. Will trigger if the gross wages minus the taxes and deductions do not produce the expected amount. Contact System Administrator
ppv_CheckForMandatoryTax Severe Mandatory tax {TaxName} is missing from check. Will trigger if a check is missing the mandatory taxes. Payroll > Checks
ppv_CheckForMandetoryTax Severe The Mandatory Tax type for the check is missing. N/A Contact System Administrator
ppv_CheckForMaxAllowed GrossAmount Warning Check is over the max gross amount based on the employer config option-MaxAllowedGrossAmount Will trigger if the gross amount on the check is higher than the set value for gross amount allowed. Contact System Administrator
ppv_CheckForMaxAllowed NetAmount Warning Check is over the max net amount based on the employer config option-MaxAllowedNetAmount  Will trigger if the net amount on the check is higher than the set value for net amount allowed. Contact System Administrator
ppv_CheckForMissingPSDCode Severe Paycheck is missing PSD Code for PA taxes. This is likely due to an incorrect or missing School District selection on the Employee's address or worksite address. Will trigger when processing payroll if the employee is missing a PSD code configured in their address or worksite address.
Employee Address: To get past this error, the user can navigate to Employee > Detail > Address > See All. By selecting the appropriate Zip code, Geocode and school district combination, the system will populate the associated PSD code.
Worksite Address: To add a missing PSD code, users will navigate to the Company record, select Edit Company, click See All next to Address Type. The PSD code is generated based on the selected geocode and the school district code.  
Note: Users must use http://munstats.pa.gov/Public/FindLocalTax.aspx to confirm the accurate school district based on their address entered.
ppv_CheckForPretaxDeduction Amount Severe {0} deduction amount does not match the pretax amount, please contact support. Will trigger if the deduction amount doesn’t match the expect amount after payroll processing. Contact System Administrator
ppv_CheckForSUIRateSetup Severe Check has SUI that does not have a rate setup in admin tools. Verify the address is correct or setup the rate in admin tools. Will trigger if there is a check that has a SUI tax and that checks state doesn't have a current rate setup. Contact System Administrator
ppv_CheckForTaxAmount Equility Severe All Med EE tax must equal to Med ER tax and FICE EE tax must equal to FICA ER tax. Will trigger if the FICA and MED taxes for EE and ER aren't the same amount. Contact System Administrator
ppv_CheckForTaxExempt Warning Helps ensure W-4 compliance for employees claiming exemption.  Will fire during the payroll process per employee, to ensure there is always notification and an approval process for employees who are set up as truly exempt.  
ppv_CheckPaymentCheck BankRecordForNonDirectDeposit Severe The live check has direct deposit records in the PaymentCheckBank table, please contact support. Will trigger if the check contains a direct deposit but is not a direct deposit check. Contact System Administrator
ppv_CheckTaxWithNegative TaxAmount Severe The check has a negative tax amount, please contact support. Will trigger if the check has a tax less than 0. Contact System Administrator
ppv_NetAmountDistribution ForDirectDepositCheck Severe The amounts of direct deposit doesn't match the net amount of the check. Will trigger if the amount set for direct deposit doesn't equal the net amount of a check.. Employee > Payroll > Direct Deposit
ppv_CheckForNegativePayCheck Severe The check has negative net amount, please fix the check. Will trigger if the net amount of the check is less than 0. Contact System Administrator
ppv_CheckForZeroPayCheck Warning The check has 0 or negative. Will trigger if the net amount of the check equal to 0. Contact System Administrator
ppv_CheckForStateTaxSetup Warning The check has state tax for {StateName} that is not setup for the supplier. Verify the address is correct or setup the state in admin tools. Will trigger if there is a check that has a withholding tax for a state that doesn't have one setup in admin tools. Contact System Administrator
ppv_CheckStaffingSupplierState Severe There are check records that belongs to state that has not been setup for payroll. Will trigger if there is a check that has a tax for a state that is not setup in admin tools. Payroll > Checks
pbv_PayrollCalculation AfterThisDayAndTime Warning Payroll processed after deadline to send in the ACH file Will trigger if the payroll was calculated after a specific day/time. Contact System Administrator
ppv_CheckFor401kLimit Warning Employee has reached their 401K yearly limit Will trigger when an employee in the batch has hit the maximum limit for pre-tax 401k deduction defined by the IRS (for example, $19,500 for 2020). The user can then go to update the employee's deductions accordingly.  Employee > Payroll > Deduction
pbv_CheckForIsMandatoryTaxInactive Warning Employee has an inactive mandatory tax When mandatory tax [Vertex Tax ID's 400, 402, 403, 404, 406, 407, 459] are missing the configuration for the mandatory tax. Employee > Payroll > Tax > Tax Tab



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