Name | Severity | Displayed Message | Description | Fixed from... |
drm_CheckEmployeeOnline ApplicationAcceptance | Warning | Applicant did not agree to terms and conditions | Will trigger if the employee didn't agree to the acknowledgement screen on the applicant portal. | Employee Portal |
drm_CheckForMissingBenefit Setup | Warning | Employee has an active deduction or employer contribution, but no associated active contribution/deduction. | Will trigger if the employee has one side of the employee benefit setup but not the other side (i.e. deductions and benefits). | Employee > Payroll |
drm_CheckForUnemployment | Warning | Employee has an active unemployment with claim number {0}. | Will trigger if the employee has an active unemployment claim. | Unemployment |
drm_CheckForWcClaim | Warning | Employee has an active worker comp claim {0}. | Will trigger if the employee has an active WC claim. | WC Claim |
drm_EmployeeCustomer DNACheck | Warning | Employee has DNA for customer {0}. | Will trigger if that employee/customer is on opposites Do Not Assign list. | Employee > Actions > DNA |
drm_EmployeeI9Check | Warning | Employee does not have a valid I-9 certification. | Will trigger if the employee doesn't have a I-9 certification. | Employee > Certifications. Looks for Certification of I-9 with system name I-9 |
drm_EmployeeSharedWith MultipleBranchesCheck | Warning | This employee is shared between multiple branches. | Will trigger if the employee is shared with more than one branch. | Employee > Actions > Share Employee |
drm_EmployeeSSNCheck | Warning | This employee SSN is missing or invalid. | Will trigger if the employee is missing a SSN. | Employee > Detail |
drm_EmployeeOnline ApplicantCheck | Warning | TBD | Will trigger if the employee record type is Unprocessed but the employee was not imported from the applicant portal. | Employee > |
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