DRMs Assignment


Name Severity Displayed Message Description Fixed from...
drm_OrderJobTitleCheck Severe This order is missing a job title, please select a job title on the order before trying to assign. Will trigger if the order doesn't have a job title. Order > Detail > Job Title
drm_OrderPONumberRequirementCheck Warning The record must have a PO Number. Will trigger if the customer requires a PO number but there is no PO number on the order. Order > Detail > More Info
drm_OrderStatusCheckForAllowAssignment Severe Order status will not allow you to place an assignment. Will trigger if the order status is set to reject assignments. Order > Detail > Status
drm_CustomerCreditLimitCheck Warning The outstanding AR balance is greater than the customer credit limit. Will trigger if the customer AR balance amount is greater than the credit limit warning value. Customer > BackOffice Setup > Credit > Credit Limit
drm_CheckEmployeeAssignmentWcClaim Warning Employee already has WC claim for this assignment. Will trigger if the employee has a WC claim. Employee > Assignment > WcCode
drm_ACAEligibilityCheck Warning The employee is missing a valid ACA Eligibility. Will trigger if the employee is missing the ACA eligibility or has undetermined status.

Requires that the Admin Tools > Config Option of HealthcarePlanOffered is set to True. 

drm_CheckEmployeeOnlineApplicationAcceptance Warning Employee did not accept terms and agreements from applicant portal. Will trigger if the employee didn't agree to the acknowledgement screen on the applicant portal. Web Portals
drm_EmployeeAssignmentBranchCheck Warning Employee branch doesn't match the assignment branch. Will trigger if the employee and assignment branch doesn't match. Employee > Assignment > Branch/Performance > Branch
drm_EmployeeBackgroundCheck Warning Employee cannot be assigned because the background check is not complete. Will trigger if the employee doesn't have the background check requirement. Employee > Employee Screening
drm_EmployeeCustomerDNUCheck Warning There is a DNA conflict between the employee and customer. Will trigger if that employee/customer is on the don't use list. Employee > Detail > Current Status
drm_EmployeeEEOCheck Warning Employee has no EmployeeEEO record. Will trigger if the employee doesn't have an EEO record. Employee > Detail > Employee EEO (Add/Edit)
drm_EmployeeI9Check Warning Employee does not have a valid I-9 certification. Will trigger if the employee doesn't have the I9 certification. Employee > Certifications
drm_EmployeeOrderAssignmentCheck Warning Employee has already been assigned to this order. Will trigger if the employee is already assigned to the order. Employee > Assignment
drm_EmployeeOver40HrsCheck Warning Employee already has more that 40 hrs. Will trigger if the employee has more than 40 hours in the accounting period that the assignment start date would belong in. Employee > History > Work History
drm_EmployeeQuickCheckSent Warning Employee has answered tax credit qualifying questions but the QuickCheck has not been sent. Will trigger if the employee has answered the tax break questions but the quick check hasn't been sent. Employee > Payroll > Tax
drm_EmployeeSSNCheck Severe Employee SSN is missing or invalid. Will trigger if the employee is missing the SSN. Employee > Detail > Personal information > SSN
drm_EmployeeStatusCheck Warning Employee status doesn't allow you to place them On Assignment. Will trigger if the employee status implies the employee is not active. Employee > Detail > Current Status
drm_EmployeeTaxSetupCheck Warning Employee Tax Setup is missing for this employee. Will trigger if the employee doesn't have default taxes added. Employee > Payroll > Tax
drm_EmployeeTypeCheck Warning The employee is missing a valid employee type. N/A Employee > Detail
drm_InvalidGeoCodeCheck Warning Invalid {0} GEO code For {1} Will trigger if the GEO Code is not valid. Order > Detail
drm_OrderEmployeeStaffingSupplierCheck Warning Supplier of the order is different from the supplier of the employee. Will trigger if the employee and order are from different suppliers. Employee > Detail > Hiring Data > Branch name

Order > Detail > Order Info > Branch

drm_OrderPONumberWarningValueCheck Warning Total bill amount exceeds warning value of PO Number. Will trigger if the total bill is greater or equal to the warning value of the PO number. Order > Detail > More Info
drm_OrderRequirementCheck Warning Order requires that the employee has this requirement {0}. Will trigger if the employee doesn't have all the requirements set for the order. Employee > Requirements
drm_OrderSkillCheck Warning Order requires that the employee has this skill {0}. Will trigger if the employee doesn't have all the skills the order has. Employee > Skills
drm_OrderStateCheck Warning The state of the workercomp code is different than the state of the worksite selected on the order. Will trigger if the WC code state is not the same state given for the order's address. Customer > Detail > Customer Other > Status
drm_OrderStatusCheckForImpliesActive Warning This Order status is not active. Will trigger if the order status denotes it is inactive. Order > Detail
drm_OrderWCCodeAssignmentCheck Warning There is no WC code associated with this order. Will trigger if the temp order doesn't have a WC code. Order > Detail
drm_RequireSalesTaxCheck Warning The Customer Address selected on the order does not have the SalesTax setup. Will trigger if the state requires sales tax, but the order address doesn't have sales tax selected. Customer > Detail
drm_EmployeeCertificationCheck Warning Certification {0} is required on Employee. Will trigger if the employee has a certification that has expired or is missing the expiration date and should have an expiration date. Employee > Certifications
drm_OrderCertificationCheck Warning Employee has a missing/expired/missing expiration date certification {0}. Will trigger if the employee certification is expired or missing and is a required certification on the order. Order > Certifications
Reference Checks Warning Employee's past job {JobTitle} for {CustomerName} doesn't have any references. Will trigger if the employee has any past jobs entered without a reference. Employee > Work History
drm_CustomerActiveUserCheck Warning There are inactive users for this customer. Will trigger if there is an inactive user attached to a customer. Employee > Detail > Hiring Data > Current Status

Customer > Users

drm_EmployeeAssignmentSupplierCheck Warning Staffing supplier of the employee is different from the staffing supplier of the order. Will trigger if the employee and assignment belong to different suppliers. Employee > Detail

Order > Detail

drm_EmployeeOrderDHPlacedAssignmentCheck Warning Employee has already been assigned to this assignment Will trigger if the employee is already assigned to the order.

Employee > Assignment




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