Name | Severity | Displayed Message | Description | Fixed from... |
drm_OrderJobTitleCheck | Severe | This order is missing a job title, please select a job title on the order before trying to assign. | Will trigger if the order doesn't have a job title. | Order > Detail > Job Title |
drm_OrderPONumberRequirementCheck | Warning | The record must have a PO Number. | Will trigger if the customer requires a PO number but there is no PO number on the order. | Order > Detail > More Info |
drm_OrderStatusCheckForAllowAssignment | Severe | Order status will not allow you to place an assignment. | Will trigger if the order status is set to reject assignments. | Order > Detail > Status |
drm_CustomerCreditLimitCheck | Warning | The outstanding AR balance is greater than the customer credit limit. | Will trigger if the customer AR balance amount is greater than the credit limit warning value. | Customer > BackOffice Setup > Credit > Credit Limit |
drm_CheckEmployeeAssignmentWcClaim | Warning | Employee already has WC claim for this assignment. | Will trigger if the employee has a WC claim. | Employee > Assignment > WcCode |
drm_ACAEligibilityCheck | Warning | The employee is missing a valid ACA Eligibility. | Will trigger if the employee is missing the ACA eligibility or has undetermined status. |
Requires that the Admin Tools > Config Option of HealthcarePlanOffered is set to True. |
drm_CheckEmployeeOnlineApplicationAcceptance | Warning | Employee did not accept terms and agreements from applicant portal. | Will trigger if the employee didn't agree to the acknowledgement screen on the applicant portal. | Web Portals |
drm_EmployeeAssignmentBranchCheck | Warning | Employee branch doesn't match the assignment branch. | Will trigger if the employee and assignment branch doesn't match. | Employee > Assignment > Branch/Performance > Branch |
drm_EmployeeBackgroundCheck | Warning | Employee cannot be assigned because the background check is not complete. | Will trigger if the employee doesn't have the background check requirement. | Employee > Employee Screening |
drm_EmployeeCustomerDNUCheck | Warning | There is a DNA conflict between the employee and customer. | Will trigger if that employee/customer is on the don't use list. | Employee > Detail > Current Status |
drm_EmployeeEEOCheck | Warning | Employee has no EmployeeEEO record. | Will trigger if the employee doesn't have an EEO record. | Employee > Detail > Employee EEO (Add/Edit) |
drm_EmployeeI9Check | Warning | Employee does not have a valid I-9 certification. | Will trigger if the employee doesn't have the I9 certification. | Employee > Certifications |
drm_EmployeeOrderAssignmentCheck | Warning | Employee has already been assigned to this order. | Will trigger if the employee is already assigned to the order. | Employee > Assignment |
drm_EmployeeOver40HrsCheck | Warning | Employee already has more that 40 hrs. | Will trigger if the employee has more than 40 hours in the accounting period that the assignment start date would belong in. | Employee > History > Work History |
drm_EmployeeQuickCheckSent | Warning | Employee has answered tax credit qualifying questions but the QuickCheck has not been sent. | Will trigger if the employee has answered the tax break questions but the quick check hasn't been sent. | Employee > Payroll > Tax |
drm_EmployeeSSNCheck | Severe | Employee SSN is missing or invalid. | Will trigger if the employee is missing the SSN. | Employee > Detail > Personal information > SSN |
drm_EmployeeStatusCheck | Warning | Employee status doesn't allow you to place them On Assignment. | Will trigger if the employee status implies the employee is not active. | Employee > Detail > Current Status |
drm_EmployeeTaxSetupCheck | Warning | Employee Tax Setup is missing for this employee. | Will trigger if the employee doesn't have default taxes added. | Employee > Payroll > Tax |
drm_EmployeeTypeCheck | Warning | The employee is missing a valid employee type. | N/A | Employee > Detail |
drm_InvalidGeoCodeCheck | Warning | Invalid {0} GEO code For {1} | Will trigger if the GEO Code is not valid. | Order > Detail |
drm_OrderEmployeeStaffingSupplierCheck | Warning | Supplier of the order is different from the supplier of the employee. | Will trigger if the employee and order are from different suppliers. | Employee > Detail > Hiring Data > Branch name
Order > Detail > Order Info > Branch |
drm_OrderPONumberWarningValueCheck | Warning | Total bill amount exceeds warning value of PO Number. | Will trigger if the total bill is greater or equal to the warning value of the PO number. | Order > Detail > More Info |
drm_OrderRequirementCheck | Warning | Order requires that the employee has this requirement {0}. | Will trigger if the employee doesn't have all the requirements set for the order. | Employee > Requirements |
drm_OrderSkillCheck | Warning | Order requires that the employee has this skill {0}. | Will trigger if the employee doesn't have all the skills the order has. | Employee > Skills |
drm_OrderStateCheck | Warning | The state of the workercomp code is different than the state of the worksite selected on the order. | Will trigger if the WC code state is not the same state given for the order's address. | Customer > Detail > Customer Other > Status |
drm_OrderStatusCheckForImpliesActive | Warning | This Order status is not active. | Will trigger if the order status denotes it is inactive. | Order > Detail |
drm_OrderWCCodeAssignmentCheck | Warning | There is no WC code associated with this order. | Will trigger if the temp order doesn't have a WC code. | Order > Detail |
drm_RequireSalesTaxCheck | Warning | The Customer Address selected on the order does not have the SalesTax setup. | Will trigger if the state requires sales tax, but the order address doesn't have sales tax selected. | Customer > Detail |
drm_EmployeeCertificationCheck | Warning | Certification {0} is required on Employee. | Will trigger if the employee has a certification that has expired or is missing the expiration date and should have an expiration date. | Employee > Certifications |
drm_OrderCertificationCheck | Warning | Employee has a missing/expired/missing expiration date certification {0}. | Will trigger if the employee certification is expired or missing and is a required certification on the order. | Order > Certifications |
Reference Checks | Warning | Employee's past job {JobTitle} for {CustomerName} doesn't have any references. | Will trigger if the employee has any past jobs entered without a reference. | Employee > Work History |
drm_CustomerActiveUserCheck | Warning | There are inactive users for this customer. | Will trigger if there is an inactive user attached to a customer. | Employee > Detail > Hiring Data > Current Status
Customer > Users |
drm_EmployeeAssignmentSupplierCheck | Warning | Staffing supplier of the employee is different from the staffing supplier of the order. | Will trigger if the employee and assignment belong to different suppliers. | Employee > Detail
Order > Detail |
drm_EmployeeOrderDHPlacedAssignmentCheck | Warning | Employee has already been assigned to this assignment | Will trigger if the employee is already assigned to the order. |
Employee > Assignment |
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