Employee Education


Updated 07/08/2021
The Education item of the Employee section records the employee's educational background.


Add an Education Entry

  1. Click the New Education button in the upper-left corner of the grid.

  2. Fill out the Education Add group on the bottom half of the window. The Education Add group contains the following fields:

    Field Description
    Degree Indicates the type of degree earned by the employee.
    Institution Indicates the entity that issued the degree to the employee.
    Specialization The major field of study in which the degree was issued.
    Start Date Date the employee began the educational program.
    End Date Date the employee completed the educational program.
    Date Verified The date the employee's education was confirmed.
    Graduated Check this box to indicate that the employee has successfully completed the educational program.
    City City where the issuing institution is located.
    Country Country where the issuing institution is located.
    Notes Any special commentary regarding the employee's education can be recorded here.

    When the data entry is complete, click the Save Education button in the upper-left corner of the grid.

    Note: If for any reason you need to stop entering a new education entry click the Cancel button in the upper-left corner of the grid to stop the data-entry process.



Edit an Education Entry

  1. Click on the row you want to edit from the grid. This will populate the fields in the Education Add group with the data associated with that entry.

  2. Update the fields of the Education Add group as needed.

  3. When you have completed your data entry click the Save Education button in the upper-left corner to save your changes to the grid.


Delete an Education Entry

  1. Right-click on the row of the grid you want delete.

  2. Click the Delete Employee Education(s) to remove the entry from the list.


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