Configure Employee Record to Include Tips

Avionté Support Series:

Configuring Avionté to Accommodate Tip Income

This article is Part Three in a series that describes the setup and use of the Avionté system to accommodate tips as a form of employee income.

To allow an employee to earn income from tips, the employee’s assignment needs to have tips added as an income type and a new deduction needs to be added to their record to account for tips received as cash

Bold setup articles


Configure Employee Assignment to Include Tips

This section walks though the process of adding tips as a type of income that an employee can earn while on an assignment.

  1. Navigate to Employee.
  2. Search for the current employee to be set up to receive tips.
  3. Select Assignment from the Employee sub-menu.
  4. In the Rate section, click in the bottom-most cell of the Type column.

  5. Enter “Tips(Paid)”.
  6. Press Tab on the keyboard three times to move to the next row and save “Tips(Paid)” as a rate.
  7. Enter “Tips(Cash)” in the bottom-most cell in the Type column.
  8. Press Tab on the keyboard three times to move to the next row and save “Tips(Cash)” as a rate.

The Pay column remains at $0.00 because the amount that the employee will earn from tips will fluctuate from one pay period to the next.


Set Up New Deduction for Tips on Employee Record

A new deduction needs to be added to the employee's record for tips received as cash.

  1. Navigate to Employee.
  2. Search for the employee to be set up with tips as a potential source of income.
  3. In the sub-menu, navigate to Payroll > Deduction
  4. Click the New Deduction button.
  5. In the Deduction section, enter “Tips(Deduction)” in the Deduction Type field.

  6. In the Amount field, enter a temporary value of $1.00. The actual amount will be entered during the payroll process.
  7. Add a check in the Flag During Payroll box. This is recommended as a reminder to update the Amount field during the payroll process.

  8. Click the Save Deduction button.


This article is Part Three in series that describes the setup and use of the Avionté system to accommodate tips as a form of employee income.

Next Article > 

Part Four: Enter Tips in Time Entry


 < Previous Article 

Part Two: Configure Avionté Transaction Types to Manage Tips


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