Add to Favorite (Employee)

The Add to Favorite option allows for employee(s) to be added to the Favorites section.

  1. Select employee(s) from the employee grid.
  2. Select the Add to Favorite option from the Actions menu.
  3. A confirmation prompt will appear allowing you to select if you want to add your selection to a new or existing favorite group. Choose Yes to create a new group, or No to add them to an existing group.

  4. Creating a new group will open the Add/Edit Favorite Group window. 

    • Enter information on the Add/Edit Favorite Group tab to create a new group.
      • Enter a name for the group in the Name field.
      • Enter a description for the group in the Description field.
      • Select a status from the Status drop-down menu.
      • The Type field will be preset to employee.
      • Select an optional parent group for this group.
      • From the Share Among area select which branches and suppliers this group will be shared with.
      • Press Next to continue.
    • Enter information on the Add Favorite Group Item tab to add or remove additional employees from the group.
      • Use the Select Favorite Item area to search for a employee using the values in the Type and Search Type drop-downs.
      • The initially selected employees will have already been added to the Favorite Group Items grid.
      • Press Finish to save this group.
  5. Adding the selection to an existing group will open the Add Favorite Group Item window. 

  6. Enter information on the Add Favorite Group Items tab.
    • Select an existing group from the Group drop-down menu.
    • The initially selected employees will have already been added to the Favorite Group Items grid.
    • Use the Search area to search for additional employees using the values in the Type and Search Type drop-downs.
    • Press Finish to save the additions to this group.
    Once the group data has been saved you can view your employee favorite data by navigating to the Favorite item of the Employee section and clicking the View button on the right side of the window. This will navigate you to the Detail item of the Favorite section.


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