The Add to Favorite option allows for employee(s) to be added to the Favorites section.
- Select employee(s) from the employee grid.
- Select the Add to Favorite option from the Actions menu.
- A confirmation prompt will appear allowing you to select if you want to add your selection to a new or existing favorite group. Choose Yes to create a new group, or No to add them to an existing group.
- Creating a new group will open the Add/Edit Favorite Group window.
- Enter information on the Add/Edit Favorite Group tab to create a new group.
- Enter a name for the group in the Name field.
- Enter a description for the group in the Description field.
- Select a status from the Status drop-down menu.
- The Type field will be preset to employee.
- Select an optional parent group for this group.
- From the Share Among area select which branches and suppliers this group will be shared with.
- Press Next to continue.
- Enter information on the Add Favorite Group Item tab to add or remove additional employees from the group.
- Use the Select Favorite Item area to search for a employee using the values in the Type and Search Type drop-downs.
- The initially selected employees will have already been added to the Favorite Group Items grid.
- Press Finish to save this group.
- Enter information on the Add/Edit Favorite Group tab to create a new group.
- Adding the selection to an existing group will open the Add Favorite Group Item window.
- Enter information on the Add Favorite Group Items tab.
- Select an existing group from the Group drop-down menu.
- The initially selected employees will have already been added to the Favorite Group Items grid.
- Use the Search area to search for additional employees using the values in the Type and Search Type drop-downs.
- Press Finish to save the additions to this group.
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