Updated 06/24/2021
The Mass Equipment Deduction option on the Start Page actions menu allows users to track funds dedicated to the equipment issued to, or purchased for, employees. With the equipment deduction tracking system users can withhold the cost of this equipment from an employee's pay, and/or reimburse the employee all or part of the withheld amount.
This option only updates the same Equipment/Deduction. If you have 'Boots' and 'Badges', each one would require a Mass Equipment Deduction.
Setting up a deduction using Mass Equipment Deduction
To set up a deduction using the Mass Equipment Deduction option:
- Select Mass Equipment Deduction from the Actions menu on the Start Page. The Employee Deduction Choose Mode is now displayed.
- At this point, you will be prompted to select Deduction or Refund. Select Deduction. This will bring up the Mass Deduction Tracking window.
- On the Mass Deduction Tracking window click the Add Assignment button. This displays the Add Assignment window.
- Once on the Add Assignment window select the criteria by which you want to search for an assignment by selecting it from the drop-down menu in the Assignment Search Option group.
- After selecting your criteria, enter your search data in the text field to the right of the drop-down and press the "enter" key on your keyboard to display the search results in the Select Assignment group below.
- Select an assignment from the group by checking the Select checkbox that corresponds to your assignment on the far right of the Select Assignment group.
- Once you have checked the boxes for all the assignments you wish to include click the Add Selected Assignment(s) button at the top of the window. Your selected assignments are now displayed at the bottom of the window under the Assignment Collection group.
- Click the Finish button to save your data and return to the Mass Equipment Tracking window.
- After returning to the Mass Equipment Tracking window, select the type of equipment to be included by entering the following information in the fields in the Equipments group:
- Equipment: Select the type of equipment from the drop-down menu. For information on editing the Equipment menu click here.
- Tag: A numeric code that corresponds to the type of equipment selected.
- Issue Date: The date the equipment was given to the employee.
- Deduction Amount: Cost of the equipment which is being withheld.
- Deduction A/c Period: The accounting period in which the deduction will appear.
- Owner: The owner of the equipment.
- After entering the data for your equipment deduction click the Finish button to save your data and return to the Start Page.
Setting up a refund using Mass Equipment Deduction
In order to set up a refund you'll need to make sure that you've already set up a deduction for the assignment you plan to work with. Once the deduction is recorded, to set up a refund:
- Select Mass Equipment Deduction from the Actions menu on the Start Page. The Employee Deduction Choose Mode is now displayed. Select Refund.
- At this point you can follow steps 2 - 8, detailed above, for setting up assignments for a deduction.
- Once you have selected your assignments and pressed Finish on the Add Assignment window, the Mass Equipment Tracking window is displayed. Under the Equipments group the options are different from the Deduction version of this window.
The different fields here are:
- Return Date: Date when the equipment is returned.
- Refund Amount: Amount that is being refunded.
- Refund A/c Period: Accounting period when the refund was issued.
- Credit Amount: Amount being credited.
- Credit A/c Period: Accounting period when the credit was issued.
- Return Note: Record messages concerning the status or condition of the returned equipment.
- Once you are done adding Assignments and updating the information, click Update All
Notice the message regarding only the same deductions will be updated
Example of a different Assignment with the same Equipment/Deduction (Boots):
Example of a different Assignment with a different Equipment/Deduction (Safety Goggles): - To update any other Assignments, with different Equipment/Deductions, make the necessary changes and click Update All
- After completing your data entry click the Finish button to save your changes and return to the Start Page.
Related Information:
Process Equipment Deduction Tracking
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