Updated 07/08/2021
The Employee Work History sections displays all of the assignments that a selected employee has been on.
Access Employee Work History
Employee Work History can be accessed from:
- Employee History sub-menu section.
Work History Grid
The Employee Work History grid displays details on all previous assignments for an employee.
Field Chooser
Field | Description |
Accounting Period Date | The accounting period that the assignment was processed. |
Agency Name | Name of the agency that is associated with the assignment. |
AgencyCost | The dollar amount paid to the associated Agency on that assignment. |
Bill To Name | The name of the customer associated with the assignment. |
BillDTHours | The number of hours charged as Double Time. |
BillOTHours | The number of hours charged as Over Time. |
BillRTHours | The number of hours charged as Regular Time. |
BillTotalHours | The total number of hours charged. |
CheckNumber | The check number for the payment submitted for the assignment. |
DepartmentName | The name for the department within the customer associated with the assignment. |
DT Hours | The number of hours worked as Double Time. |
DTBill | The number of hours billed as Double Time. |
DTPay | The amount of pay earned as Double Time. |
Employer Name | The name of the employee on the assignment. |
EmployerTaxes | The amount of taxes charged to the employer. |
GrossProfit | To total amount of profit earned by an employee on an assignment. |
GrossProfitPercent | The percent of the total charges that is profit. |
GrossWages | The total amount of wages earned by an employee on an assignment. |
InvoiceNumber | The invoice number associated with a specific assignment. |
JobPosition | The position that was filled by the employee on an assignment. |
OTHours | The number of hours worked as Over Time. |
OTBill | The number of hours billed as Over Time. |
OTPay | The amount of pay earned as Double Time. |
PaymentCost | Sum of Gross Wages, Agency Cost, Wc Cost, Employer taxes, and Burden. |
RT Hours | The number of hours worked as Regular Time. |
RTBill | The number of hours billed as Regular Time. |
RTPay | The amount of pay earned as Regular Time. |
See Invoice | Displays the Invoice Summary section for a selected assignment. |
See PayCheck | Displays the Paycheck Summary section for a selected assignment. |
SiteName | The name of the work site associated with an assignment. |
Staffing SupplierCod | (Staffing Supplier Code) The name of the supplier associated with an assignment. |
Total Bill | The total amount billed for an assignment. |
Total Hours | The total amount of hours worked for an assignment. |
Total Pay | The total amount of pay accrued for an assignment. |
WcCode | The code for the workers compensation associated with an assignment. |
Week Worked | Gives the date for the week this assignment was worked. |
WorkerCompCost | Any cost accrued from workers comp for an assignment. |
Options Menu
The Options menu contains additional options for determining the data displayed in the Work History grid.
Date Option
Field | Description |
StartDate | The earliest date the main grid will display regarding work weeks. |
EndDate | The latest date the main grid will display regarding work weeks. |
Reset | Restores the default dates to the StartDate and EndDate fields. |
Go | Generates data based on the dates entered. |
Print Option
Item | Description |
Preview Before Printing | Checking this box prompts a preview of the page once Print Search Results has been clicked. |
Fit width to pages | Determines the width of the printed grid. |
Print Work History | Sends the work history results to the computer's default printer. |
Export to Excel | Prompts the computer to open the search results in Microsoft Excel. |
Sheet View
The Sheet View tab in employee Work History displays all past assignments for an employee in the Avionté sheet view style.
Field | Description |
Assignment ID | The ID Avionté has given to the specific assignment. |
Batch ID | The ID Avionté has assigned to the pay batch for this specific assignment. |
Bill Rate | The rate at which the customer will be billed for the assignment. |
Bill To Name | The name of the customer that will be billed for the assignment. |
Bill Unit | The number of hours that will be billed to the customer. |
Branch | The name of the branch that the employee belongs to. |
Department Name | The name of the department to which the filled position belongs. |
Employee | The name of the employee that worked on the assignment. |
Item Bill | The dollar amount billed to the customer. |
Item Pay | The dollar amount payed to the employee. |
Pay Rate | The rate at which the employee will be paid. |
Pay Unit | The number of hours that the employee will be paid for. |
Payee Name | The name of the person who will be paid for the selected assignment. |
Shift Name | The name of the shift worked on the selected assignment. |
Sort Order | The order that the assignments will be sorted. |
Staffing Supplier Code | The name of the staffing supplier for the selected assignment. |
Type | The type of unit and pay (e.x. Regular, OT) for a selected assignment. |
Week Worked | The date of the weeks worked for a selected assignment. |
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