Mass Mail - General

Avionté includes a feature that allows the mass mailing of emails to multiple recipients. The Mass Mail feature comes with the ability to create a Mass Mail specific email profile and to create and use email templates for emails.


For more information on creating a New Mass Mail, see the Mass Mail - Add Item help article. 


Mass Mail Search

  1. From the Main Menu, navigate to Front Office > Email

  2. Expand the Mass Mail sub-menu item by clicking the + sign. 

  3. Click Search from the sub-menu.

  4. Enter search criteria in the Search Criteria field at the top of the window. A Mass Mail can be located using any of the words in the Mass Mail Description.

  5. The results of a Mass Mail will display in the following columns.

    Column Description
    MassMailDesc Description of the Mass Mail.
    TemplateName Name of the template.
    DateCreated The date the template was created.
    Entered By The user who created the template.



Mass Mail Summary

The Summary section of Mass Mail contains a brief summary of the currently selected Mass Mail and the short cut buttons for available Action menu items. To find a mass Mail, see the Mass Mail Search section above. 

  1. To navigate to the Summary section, click on a Mass Mail item in the search results grid. The Summary of the chosen Mass Mail item will display. 

  2. The summary information for this Mass Mail is visible under the Mass Mail Summary section in the main panel of Avionté.



Mass Mail History

The History section in Mass Mail displays a sending history for the selected Mass Mail item. Perform a Mass Mail Search prior to locating a mass mail's history. For more information see the Mass Mail Search section above. 

  1. To navigate to the History section, click on a Mass Mail item in the search results grid. The Summary of the chosen Mass Mail item will display. 

  2. Click History from the sub-menu panel. The history for this specific Mass Mail will display.

  3. Each Mass Mail that was sent will display with the following fields.
    Note: Click the field chooser, the  icon in the upper left corner, to select which items should be visible in the grid by placing a checkmark next to the item.

    Field Description
    MassMailItemID The ID number of the Mass Mail.
    Subject The subject of the Mass Mail. This text appears in the subject of the email.
    MassMailBody The text appears in the body of the email. When hovering the mouse over this field, it will appear in HTML. Click on the grid item and the body of the Mass Mail will appear below in a formatted view.
    Recipient Email The employee or person who received the Mass Mail.
    Sender Email The email address of the person who sent the Mass Mail.
    Reply to Email The email address that will receive an email if the recipient replies to the Mass Mail.
    Date Sent The date the Mass Mail was sent to the recipient. This is not the date it was created.
    Created Date The date that the Mass Mail was created in Avionté. This date can be different than the Date Sent since a Mass Mail can be created in advance.
    Schedule Date Time The date and time that the Mass Mail is scheduled to be sent.
    Print Option This button will print the Mass Mail.
    Select (checkbox) Place a checkmark in the box to select that individual instance of the Mass Mail.
  4. Click on a specific Mass Mail item from the grid. The body of the e-mail that was sent displays in the lower portion of the window. 

  5. Click the button under Print column next to a specific mass mail to print the email. 



Resend Mass Mail

It is possible to resend one or all from a batch of Mass Mails.

Note: If the Mass Mail didn't send the first time due to an error in the email address, this must be corrected before a resend can succeed.
  1. Make sure the Select column is present, or add it using the field chooser which can be accessed by clicking the  icon in the upper left corner.

  2. Mark the Select check boxes for the emails that will be resent.

  3. Click the Resend Mass Mail button in the upper left. 



Mass Mail Schedule

The Mass Mail scheduler allows for each Mass Mail to be given a day and time to be automatically processed and sent. It is based off of the system time displayed within Avionté and can be repeated at certain intervals. 

Note: A schedule can only be created for Mass Mails using the templates that come with the base installation of Avionté.
  1. From the Main Menu, navigate to Front Office > Email > Mass Mail.

  2. Search for a Mass Mail item using the search process outlined above in the Mass Mail Search section.

  3. Click on one of the Mass Mail items in the grid. The Summary page will display.

  4. Click Schedule from the sub-menu in the Main Menu.

  5. From the Schedule Type drop-down menu, select how frequently this email should be sent out. 

  6. Select the Scheduled Date/Time when the e-mail will be sent. 

  7. Select the Email Profile that will appear as the sender of the email. 

  8. Press Tab on the keyboard to move off of the fields and save changes.


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